I feel bad for you that you’re incapable of properly opening a link.
I feel bad for you that you’re incapable of properly opening a link.
Lamar Smith
This makes a lot more sense when you know that;
I have never seen a more 2000's sentence in my life.
Welcome to Trevor’s Axiom!
Human dignity, you fucking worm.
I am shocked, SHOCKED, that this movie is terrible....
How is the Stealth not better than the Dell?
I never new I wanted this. Thank you. And screw you.
Screw Cho. The attention seeking, duplicitous, hag that she is.
It’s a Mandalore helmet. Not really a big deal.
But...he’s a minority! How dare you!
Entitled, stupid, fat, nasty, bitch....
God, he looks like such a douche...
The Lobster was fucking terrible. It’s as if this amateur director...was an amateur director. And instructed all his mid tier actors to act like they were an elementary school play. You think the characters act stilted to convey nervousness about constantly trying to pretend to be someone else, but no! They’re just as…
I actually know the answer to this. We’ve been doing evacuation training runs across the country for the last couple weeks.
See, they should have gone for She-Hulk.
Conversely, even though women do it too, let’s attack an entire gender. Cause Jez-Gizmodo.
You watched the video where he built that exact model, then tapped the top coin and it all crumbled, right?
Rainbow grilled cheese topped with sprinkles swept our social media feeds this year