
Scratch another garbage racist. Next!

Oh! And while we’re at it...

I hate getting *upgraded* to a giant SUV. A Dodge Journey is NOT an upgrade from a Corolla.

Also, you gotta sit around with the reed in your mouth for a while. Which someone probably finds sexy? But it’s not.

‘...he bent, opened the case, and pulled out the golden instrument. Still naked, he turned around, inserted the mouthpiece between his lips, and began playing...’

he was born on third base and can’t stop talking about the swing that gave him a triple

All idiots, including the god-damned ones, are offended at the comparison in your headline. Sure, we’re stupid, but c’mon, that’s just mean.

I’m 10000% certain my grandma could run wreckshop on this prick, and she’s been stone cold dead for over a decade. This little porcelain fuckboi has never thrown hands, he might ruin that fresh manicure and get dirt on his $50k suit.

Everytime I see Jared’s face I want to punch it. I am 58 years old, 5'3" and 150 lbs, 23% bodyfat. Plus I wear glasses. But I know I could fuck. him. up. I see his wormy lips and that Botoxed forehead and I know it would take one crack of my bony knuckles and he would crumble like the crystal dildo he is.

I am in a position where I have been offered and guaranteed PTO in this emergency, including staying home with family who are sick or relatives who have been sent home from closed schools. I am fully aware of how lucky I am. My job pays crap and I seriously considered leaving it not too long ago but decided to stay

This cannot be emphasized enough. My state’s number of cases is growing by leaps and bounds, and yet still people were out partying for St. Patrick’s Day this weekend. To quote several people who were interviewed on the news, “I’m young and healthy, so I don’t need to worry.” Absolutely no concern for anyone else’s

Donate to your local Meals on Wheels! Many seniors are now having to switch from senior center meals (centers are closing!) to home-delivered meals, “grab and go,” shelf-stable food, etc. which is a lot more expensive for these programs. Volunteer to drop off food if you’re healthy.

In my area there’s a series of mutual aid groups starting up on Facebook. Checking in on vulnerable neighbours, offering to get groceries, even just sharing things to do at home. It’s still in the early stages, but with over 10k people joining in a couple of days it’s super heartwarming to see so many people doing

Volunteer at Food Banks to help process, categorize, and pack incoming food. Volunteer at schools that are distributing kids meals, helping to pack food. Start a book club over Zoom with books that can be readily downloaded (people are getting restless already). Or start a community online game.  

I posted this on a different thread but to reiterate, I would reach out to those who are missing work but are healthy and offer to pay them to grocery shop or do other errands for you. We have people in the high risk groups in our household so we are well and truly practicing self-quarantine at the moment. My stylist

If you love live performing arts, consider donating to not-for-profit theatres and concert venues in your community. Having to cancel months of events with no end or certainty has made us all very fragile.

With endless respect to my evergreen first lady, this is wild rude and shits on lots of things/people:

Well he loved everybody didn’t he? What a slut.

“We guys” actually elected Clinton by 650,000 votes and if you’re from London you can’t exactly claim angels singing from your heights of government. I mean, don’t you have Brexit, Farage, lad culture and something called The House of Lords?!