Similar story. I now average $32 a month, and that includes the data on my semi-frequent trips to Canada. Pretty good if you ask me.
Similar story. I now average $32 a month, and that includes the data on my semi-frequent trips to Canada. Pretty good if you ask me.
I needed a new phone, and ddecided to hop on the Nexus 5x/Fi bandwagon. NOTHING is ever available on this barrier island—we just got uber a month ago—but so far Fi is working for me better than sprint ever did. And I’m loving the unused data credit. It’s amazing how much you can do over wi-fi. Love being on a budget…
I am a low data user. I went from paying $75 a month on sprint to $37 a month on google fi, which includes $5 phone insurance and $2 tax
If she offers to split the check I usually say something like, “It’s okay, how about you cover the tip?” Then I give a really seductive wink and lick my lips. I’m currently single...