I'd like to like her. But damn, girl, give me a melody. A hook. Something truly rhythmic. Her music is too deconstructed — there's no narrative to it, only disjointed sounds. Can't do it.
I'd like to like her. But damn, girl, give me a melody. A hook. Something truly rhythmic. Her music is too deconstructed — there's no narrative to it, only disjointed sounds. Can't do it.
I can't get into FKA Twigs. I've tried listening multiple times and it's just not for me - which is weird because everyone has told me if I like Grimes I would love it. Not the case.
Adele Dazeem can SANG. People need to give homegirl a break.
"He's expected to make a full recovery and made it home to his wife for New Year's."
Ugh, article so long. somebody summarize
Yeah - as someone whose mom almost died from a placental abruption - I'd like to be where the surgeons and extra blood are available quickly, please. The availability of those things are the only reason my mom and younger sis are alive today.
Word. I had 2 super low risk pregnancies, but when my daughter was born she was purple. The nurse hit a button on the wall and suddenly there was a team of 5 tending to her. I might consider a hospital-adjacent midwife facility but I never, ever, ever want to be more than 5 seconds away from The Button.
What the hell is wrong with being curious? It doesn't necessarily mean judgmental. How are people to learn to understand others if they're not curious about their viewpoints. I think this is a legitimate question.
I agree with you 100%. The people commenting here against quarantine do not seem to understand how densely populated NY is - an index case out int he community is something we simply cannot afford. The CDC has shown a singular lack of correct and timely response here (hence the naming of an Ebola Czar). Well done…
Healthcare workers in Texas contracted it from the patient who brought it over from Africa. That is the definition of a disease spreading, regardless of the size of the pool.
See, this is it exactly. She could be exposed and not symptomatic yet. The offensive part is that she KNOWS it, and she's still fighting against necessary precautions.
As someone who used to do global health work, I have to say, I agree with you here. Look, part of what we do involves exposing ourselves to contagious diseases. The work we do is important, but so is following protocols that are designed to keep communities safe. Should we be thankful for their service? Hell yes! But…
This is a misleading headline. A preliminary test was negative - that doesn't mean she's Ebola-free as the incubation period is up to 21 days - hence the quarantine (technically: she may not yet have developed antibodies and the viral load may be too low to detect by PCR).
With so many health workers coming down with Ebola, it seems logical to quarantine those who return. By the way, the test might come back negative, but that doesn't mean she hasn't been exposed; it takes time for enough virus to build up in the system to show up in tests. I don't think they should treat her rudely,…
Good news everyone! We can call off the torches and pitchforks. I'm pretty sure I saw one of the extras waaaaaay in the background was possibly a person of color. So, no worries, everything's good now.
Historical accuracy in a movie based on the Bible?
Meanwhile, Facebook just informed me that more money has now been raised in Darren Wilson's name than in Michael Brown's.
Cuuuute! Reminds me of this baby deer who loves scratches and doesn't want them to stop. I didn't see it posted on here, maybe I missed it, so sorry if I didn't link to the Gawker media article, if there's one!
I wish I had more stars for this comment.