“Young man, you are a member of this ent0ur— I mean, family — and you will do as I say.”
“Young man, you are a member of this ent0ur— I mean, family — and you will do as I say.”
It’s probably already in the custody agreement — she gets Rocco summers and certain holidays because that’s how it works with parents that don’t live close to each other. It seems to be Guy who’s not adhering to the agreement. He should have put his foot down and sent Rocco off.
My ex kept nagging me to force our daughter to visit him, when she was a teenager. Threatened to sic CPS on me and everything if I didn’t “enforce the visitation agreement.” I said sure, I could force her ... but in a year and a half she’ll turn 18, and then where are you going to be?
I’m guessing the larger point would be for the parents to finally get their shit together and act like the responsible adults that their children are supposed to model themselves after?
Plus it’s not really “winning” anything if you have to force someone to spend time with you.
Genius. That's perfect. They keep their rooms and the parents have to shuttle back and forth.
I am reminded of a case, years back, in which a very wealthy couple used their children as pawns in a divorce battle (if I have any lacunae in my memory of this, I am sure some J-belles will let me know); and the judge was finally so tired of their shenanigans that she ‘awarded’ the house to the children, and ordered…
I don’t understand how she doesn’t get that she’s trying to win the battle to lose the war. If she legally obligated this kid to spend Christmas with her, what are the chances he’ll ever spend one with her after he’s 18?
For the record, I’m refusing to spend Christmas with Madonna as well.
Holy crap, WHEN WILL THE PALINS GO AWAY ALREADY? Even if I might have been willing to cut John McCain some slack for not having his head completely up his own ass, there is no forgiveness possible for bringing this pack of tundra-sniffing hillbillies into the national spotlight. Ugh.
Look, Bristol, I’m sorry you’ve got that creeptastic stalker, but I’m not going to excuse you here. The thinly veiled racism act is NOT CUTE.
Obama could direct the FCC to disable her IP address.
Seriously, why does anyone even care what Bristol Palin has to say about anything? She’s completely irrelevant, as far as I’m concerned. Ahmed Mohamed has ALREADY accomplished more in life than she probably ever will.
She’s just jealous that a 14 year old kid can build a clock from scratch and she still doesn’t know how to use a condom at 24.
Thank god someone in this country is will to ask the question “but how do white people feel right now?”
“This is the kind of stuff Bristol needs to STAY out of.”