So, when they talk about “crash in bond market/rising credit spreads” as a tail risk, they’re basically talking about the Fed raising the interest rate, right?
So, when they talk about “crash in bond market/rising credit spreads” as a tail risk, they’re basically talking about the Fed raising the interest rate, right?
Well, you know, Obama has his own views on the proper interpretation of the Constitution. 65 million Americans voted for him, fully aware of those views. It seems a little much to expect him to nominate someone who doesn’t broadly share those views, just because Obama’s approach differs from yours.
There’s no time for that kind of long-term planning when you’re worried about getting primaried by some crazy-ass Trumpist lunatic. You have to figure that anyone voting for Garland to receive a floor vote would be putting themselves at huge risk in that regard. Any kind of moderation or compromise, especially on an…
oh, sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.
Of course, refusing to appoint nominees to the Supreme Court would be in many ways an extension of the existing Republican stategy towards the judiciary. This is already what they’re doing with the lower federal courts. Honestly, we probably should have expected them to extend the same strategy to the Supreme Court.
IIRC, if they get 50 seats plus the White House, they can just nuke the filibuster entirely.
Honestly, one of the big things I’ve taken away from all these interviews is an overwhelming sense of how hard Pete D’Alessandro screwed the Kings over, and how many terrible decisions were his personal responsibility.
In addition to the obvious and largely correct point about racism and sexism: Trump is worse at business, government, and foreign policy than Carson and Fiorina, but he is way better at braggadocio, blustering, anger, absurd statements, conspiratorial thinking, etc.
Yeah, it’s stupid as hell. But the problem isn’t so much that it’s minutaie; the problem is that American voters and American political discourse are dumb as hell. The problem is that everyone basically wants to see taxes raised on the wealthy, because no one likes those guys, and everyone thinks the country needs…
But from what I’ve seen, they don’t actually write about it in a way that’s snarky or gossipy or scandalous or anything like that. It would make a lot more sense if they were writing about it snarkily. I’m not sure The Ringer writes about anything snarkily. From what I’ve seen, it seems like they’re writing about it…
Simmons has always had a little bit of a weakness for Very Serious Bullshit (see his fascination with Macolm Gladwell etc) but The Ringer seems to have leaned into that concept to an almost ridiculous extent. Kind of the same way that they seem to devote a lot of time to writing about the tech industry - it feels like…
Do you think it’s fair to conclude that this stance means that you are, in general, basically not in favor of reporting?
“We are in the midst of one of those periodic collective uproars that demonstrate that a surprising number of people employed in the field of journalism are not actually all that in favor of reporting”
The question then is whether Point is going to make an offer on those homes. I... strongly doubt that they would.
“Doing so would free up 12.5 million individuals for other work that is more creative and productive.”
I stopped watching the NFL a few years ago, and 10 AM game times is just about the only thing I miss about it. It is, genuinely, the absolute best. The key thing to keep in mind is that it allows you to completely maximize the gluttony, sloth, and general dirtbag-ass lazy-ass disgustingness of your Sunday. You wake up…
I think there’s a lot of truth to that, although I think there are reasons the PC movement went the route it did, and I also think you have to take into account that some of the racism exists just because people are really racist. But, yeah, for sure.
It doesn’t normalize it. It makes the dogwhistles and racist symbolism explicit. Which is the opposite of normalizing it. The reason that moderate Republicans could do things like talk positively about the Confederate flag was because there was an ambiguity - a thing where the racist implications of a lot of symbols…
Billy, it’s been one week, Billy.