The Curse of Millhaven

The cheating isnt. It’s the gaslighting, exposure to possible STIs, and conquest of ‘needy and aggressive’ young starlets that is abusive.

I think his behavior is gross and his personal defenses are weird and creepy. I didn’t have him on a huge pedestal to begin with, I guess. I love his writing and his work, and it’s not like a separate the art from the artist thing, it’s just a this is not enough to make me hate a person thing.

Nah. If he was facing criminal charges or something, maybe, but even then only maybe. Cheating on your wife? Studio execs will get him a beer and pat him on the back after his rough day. And, I’m actually glad for that. I don’t think this is a thing you should get fired for, unless you work in the same place as your


I support his wife in sharing her story, and I imagine it was very empowering to let go of the need to keep secrets and lies that really belong to someone else. I’ve been there — going along with initially small lies out of love and loyalty, and then realizing how big they’ve grown over time.

Ruth Negga. That is all.

Small correction, easy mistake to make, tiny thing, completely understandable:

The police say they can’t identify the attackers because all white guys look alike.


more like it.

My father was a retail butcher for 35 years. A few years ago he bought one of these pull through sharpeners and absolutely loves it and tells me about it everytime I go home. “You gotta get one of these. They’re so good!”

Pull down those traitorous statues and destroy them in every city that has them. Same goes for that fucking flag.

I feel like this should go without saying but, never go alone into a self built submarine with the weirdo who built it.

I find that my anxiety is triggered by being irresponsible usually. Like I didn’t clean my house for three weeks and now everything is piled up and how am I ever going to get it clean? Or I didn’t pay my bills on payday and now I’m out of money and having to put essentials on credit cards because I acted like Beyoncé

This App Will Let You Know if You’ve Won the Powerball Jackpot

HA! I dig JJGO. Guess I know what I’m listening to today!

$1000 backpack?!

These responses are getting far more, uh, creative as the night wears on. Thursday night is the doorway to the weekend, right? Coincidence??

I have like three racist bones in my body. I’m always complaining about them, but the rest of the bones won’t do anything about it. Two of them are real assholes and one of them is passive aggressive as shit. I don’t know, every time I think about yanking them out the other bones get all protective. Deep down, I

What a surprise - he’s a rich dude from Chelsea.