It is all downhill now, kid.
It is all downhill now, kid.
Tim McGraw is really starting to look like Marc Evan Jackson. Except not smiling.
Okay. I'm sorry. I'll leave her alone.
I love bay leaves, but it is not like they are expensive. After awhile I just toss in three or four where I would have used one or two.
That is super cool.
Almost there.
Nice article.
I was just checking to see if someone else had posted this. This comic looks like a fun mashup of that SNL skit and Miracleman.
Agreed. I am a nursing student about to graduate, and I have had that same 19-ish hours already. It largely consists of the "Myplate" kind of government-approved education. This is despite the fact that my school is very focused on changing how things are done through research and evidence based practice.
The woman of Kleenex thing was always a straw man. Superman's tears don't fly out as superheated steam projectiles. His sweat does not blast those around him. His poop does not demolish porcelain. So his involuntary reactions, like ejaculation, do NOT go off with super force. In addition I, for one, do not entirely…
You've come a long way, boobie.
All that I was thinking the whole time was how the assistant had the nerves of a sniper.
Meh. You aren't wrong, though you are crude about it. Most people like some attention and some people love attention. Basically, almost every popular musician, actor, model, comedian etc. that you have ever enjoyed was doing it in part because they love attention. Cosplay is a hobby that definitely has an aspect of…
I strongly disagree. Social change does not come about because a few people do the right thing and keep quiet about it. If a group of people is to change there must be communication among them about what is happening. This takes the form of public affirmation of their positive actions and shunning those who do not…
Wow. It is almost like it was some kind of joke or something!
In my case that means that I would have to moonlight as a bartender.
This is what happens when your RA logs into COD.
Yeah. When I saw Tim Olyphant on Justified rocking the Levi's jacket and Wranglers I decided that, short of a vest, denim was okay by me.
I get where you are coming from and agree. That said, uh, having cancer does not make you better at getting rid of cancer. I'll take a nurse with chemo certification over one who has had cancer any day.