The Curse of Millhaven

Yeah. Do yourself a favor: get a pipe and the starter kit and a lil bottle of something (I dig Shire Malt). That's enough to get you vaping. Then go to their forum (don't want to buzz market here, just Google the name of the seller and the word "forum.") Look for me there under the same name. We'll talk privately

They totally aren't. I just checked. They did sell most of the big ones, but a small Gandalf is a great way to start.

It is crazy that you posted this today. I bought this one two hours ago. Also not buzz marketing, but if you PM me I will send you the site if you need it. Go soon, they won't last.

I'd still like to see him apologize to Jesse Thorn. The humor on JJGo is fairly nerd-dudeish just as it is on Penny Arcade. One of the hosts was an admirer of the comic. They should have had a blast instead of freaking out because Jesse, who runs a popular menswear blog, was overdressed. Jeez.

I would like to chime in for Old Overholt rye. It is very smooth and very cheap. It is crisp as a rye should be, and rye is the proper mixer for many drinks for which most people now use whisky, such as a whisky sour.

I would like to chime in for Old Overholt rye. It is very smooth and very cheap. It is crisp as a rye should be, and rye is the proper mixer for many drinks for which most people now use whisky, such as a whisky sour.

If you think that Levine is sexy you should try turning it off and turning it on again.

Yep. BMI is pretty flawed. Anything that you try to apply to everyone will be so. Still, it gives one a weight range to shoot for and it does work for most people. The problem is when insurance companies and such use it and don't offer body fat or other fitness measurements as an alternative.

It is guessing your BMI without knowing your height.

Now playing

They will probably work her origin story in with Apache Chief's.

I am two years older than I am. If I slim my waistline down just slightly, I am two years younger. I will take this with a grain of salt, though. I have to assume that the waist calculation is based on my being of average height, but I am 6'3".

Just another day at Burning Man. Move along.

7ms response on that monitor. I have never had anything but 2ms before. Am I likely to see some kind of difference in light gaming?

Much more fun if he had said other people's famous lines. I'd particularly love to hear him do the bible quote that Jules says in Pulp Fiction, or maybe something from Driving Miss Daisy or The Shining.

If you had experience with DAOC and Warhammer online, you might be more patient with it. The endgame is about carrying on a semi-territorial war against the players of the other factions and three is the magic number for factions in that case. If everyone can go everywhere, then you basically just have PVP (instead of

You are right that body fat is the best way to determine your own overweight status, but that should always come with a couple of caveats: 1: Your body fat monitor sucks. They all do. Unless you are using a Bodpod or something similar your results are as bad as the BMI chart or worse. 2: You are not rich enough or

I am always torn by this argument. Don't we all agree that argument by authority is a generally bad way to argue a point? Arguing that way held science back for something like two millenia because people would point to Aristotle or some other Greek (or the Bible) and say "he said it, so it is true and you are wrong."

He could of looked like Tatum, but this is how he kind of looms in her consciousness.

There is scratch and there is scratch, I guess. When someone says that they made cookies from scratch they do not mean that they made the chocolate chips, ground the flour etc. It is still pretty impressive.