Melanie, another snowflake looking for controversy where none exist
Melanie, another snowflake looking for controversy where none exist
OTH, the random noises of a beast are often more comprehensible than Jack Dorsey.
I read that sentence two,
neighnay, three,NEIGHNAY, four times, stripping it of its negative phrasing in an attempt to better wrap my head around it.
No. What you saw in the election and what you’re seeing on Reddit is the pent-up frustration of a group of people who were marginalized by political correctness and shouted down as bigots every time they questioned the reasons for something. They couldn’t criticize Obama without being called a racist. They couldn’t…
I forgot there were no minorities or LGBT People subbed to the donald. Attitudes like yours are the exact reason people are being turned off by the left. Not everyone that doesn’t agree with you is racist or sexist
This is Donald Trump’s America.
Gizmodo exercises an iron fist of control to silence and ostracize any comment that doesn’t align with their message. It’s hard to tear apart something that’s barely got integrity in the first place.
...and Gizmodo isn’t? lmaoo
Imagine that, a bunch of man babies melting down. Fucking beta cucks.