
The religious parallels they're trying to draw… it's just not working with me.

I’m not certain how I feel about this episode. On one hand, it was entertaining in bursts, but on the other hand, I’m almost completely certain that the level of melodrama could not possibly get any higher.

I'm fairly sure that when Cora was dying, she said "This would have been *enough*. You would have been *enough*. The meaning is basically the same, though.

I think you nailed it about the lack of the clever payoff. It's a very frat-boy, beer-swilling "Wasssupppp?" kind of humor. I know a lot of people love that, but it's not for me.

Makes sense. Plus, there was the big show of the (elevator?) doors closing on Ryan (while he was on the phone with Parker to confirm she was going to be following the truck) right after Joe got loaded. So that would leave only the warden and his folks there at that moment since Ryan was presumably on his way back to

He took two of her fingers and killed her with two of his own!

Almost don't put honey in my milk.

Nope. For some reason, I've never watched AMC dramas, although I do have cable. So I have no experience with Breaking Bad, Mad Men, or Walking Dead. Think of all the fun I'll have reading reviews in a few years!

Oh, I love this show. It is easily the most exciting and entertaining TV show in the past few years (at least that I've been watching).

Er, to get the Warden to do all that, I mean. Obviously, the Warden's daughter herself didn't do it.

I don't think he needed the Warden's daughter to get the transfer. I think he needed the Warden's daughter to doctor the surveillance footage and do whatever else had to happen to get him to Olivia's trunk.

Absolutely! Well, the “ebony clock” has been killed, as I suspected a couple of weeks ago. She really should have read her copy more carefully before she did that press conference.

Bailey Madison was on an episode of Law and Order SVU that will forever make me wonder if she's not just an adult in a little person's body.

Yeah, for sure Bae has a history with Hook. It would tickle me to no end if he were Peter Pan, except I'm not sure that Peter Pan would have embraced any sort of magic if his father had ditched him for it.

It's amazing to me that they're trying to convince us that Snow White is going to go after Cora when it is supremely obvious (at least to me) that *Emma* will be the one to do it, *thus emphasizing why she's the special one*. But, we'll all still have to go on the (no doubt long and oft-annoying) journey of watching

I don't know, man. It's a particular pet peeve of mine that whenever there's a black host, you can practically taste how much the writers are extra excited to do all the "urban"/"outlandish" black jokes that they can't do normally with only two black players.

I really tried to be open-minded about the Ben Show but I just could not ride it out. I'm not a fan of the type of humor that explicitly relies solely on brutally ripping into or mocking other people in order to get the laugh, even if they're into it. Or if I am, Ben Hoffman is a bit too far on the harsh end of the

Please. While I admit that Patricia had the least flattering dress of the threesome group, I refuse to believe that Layana's and Michelle's not-that-great dresses would have beat Stanley's and Daniel's outfits even without Patricia's terrible outfit. Heidi may have given the highest scores to those two, but that's not

Not to mention that some people here, including me, might be honest-to-goodness NEW to this site and not know everything that has ever been suggested before. Oh, and we might actually be more interested in discussing television than in negotiating any personalities or soothing/building up any egos.

"Toks Olagundoye was great" should just be pastable through a hotkey on everybody's keyboard. Saves times, and you know it will have to be said at some point.