Shanghai Hoosier

Actually there are 3 Buick EV models for sale here in China. I think the cheapest one starts at about 113,000RMB or roughly $16,000. 

Driver training varies by province. Here in Shanghai, where I live, it can take months of lessons and several exams to get your license. New drivers also have a one year probation, which limits them from driving on highways and are closely monitored for tickets. 18 is the legal driving age for cars in China. 

a six-footer.

Yes they are actually green, and China requires a front and back plate.

Actually there is a fleet of the EQ1 used for shared cars, I’m not sure which cities they are located in. Thanks to that fleet of rentals, there is a an auto insurance package here with added AAA benefits.

Most of the driving rules are the same as the US and the signs are quite similar in terms of their meaning. Street signs and highway signs are in Pinyin and Chinese characters. Only a few signs will be purely in Chinese, like parking rules, roadwork, or some driving limitations like the plate restrictions in Shanghai.