Season five does a too convenient reset. It's insulting really.
Season five does a too convenient reset. It's insulting really.
I'm saddened that it did nothing for me. I dont even want to see it six times in the theater like I did the first.
I absolutely agree, and I admire the showrunners' restraint by not using a countdown clock, as it roughly proceeds in real time. They absolutely could have structured it with a constant zoom to the hatch clock, but they let it freeflow, and it's better for it.
Plus, copious amounts of Desmond, Lost's secret…
You know, I was really disappointed Ab Aeterno wasn't the show I imagined it would be, but I always automatically consider it great in retrospect. I don't actually know at what point I changed my mind. Maybe one day I will do the same for the rest of season six.
I was definitely disappointed it was one white milkshake and one black one. The prop guy couldn't mix them? It could have been a metaphor.
I wear the scarf, it does not wear me.
"Let's find out who the Reverse Flash REALLY is!"
*Barry tears off yellow mask*
All: "Professor Wells!"
Joe: "He runs the abandoned particle accelerator laboratory!"
Caitlin: "Wait! His face is another mask!" *tears off the Wells mask*
All: "Eobard Thawne!"
Eobard: "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't…
I almost bought that. Well done.
Episode 3-21 Oliver kills the General and stops the bioweapon.
Episode 3-22 Ollie sits down with Rosetta Stone the whole flashback
I can't wait for the season finale when bearded flash forward Ollie says they have to go baaaaack to Lian Yu. Game changer.
Generations 3 was excellent for the most part. It doesn't entirely hold together, much in the same way as 2 not being an independent, cohesive whole. But I do love the way 2 expands and supports 1, and 3 is ambitious and entertaining. You should definitely try to collect it.
I would experience a quick death either way.
Is it hot in here?
I'd say she falls below Ollie. The Queen siblings can both get the upper hand on Merlyn occasionally, but no one comes remotely near Ra's. He made Ollie look like a kindergartener wielding a stick.
Upvoted for the Buffy ref
I can respect Armando's orientation and feelings of repulsion. Our nature makes us feel icky toward whatever is "other" to us.
As for me, I would dive into a window to see a naked woman.
Super Upvote for Generations reference. I was also hoping for a Grant Morrison JLA Ray Palmer reference of Ollie accepting to lead the League, then immediately disbanding it. Problem solved.
It's twice as good as Caitlyn Snow.
You mean the series finale?