

At least you got a bonus, shrug ...

The US Congress hasn’t had the “people’s” interest in mind for DECADES, it is a freaking joke as they get their overpaid salaries, life time benefits, etc.., not to mention the other scams they pull. Pathetic ...

Lighten up Francis ...

$1000 for a phone, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...

So what is the real cost savings here ? my internet will run me 80-90 a month alone, then tack on another 70 bucks for a service, say Hulu and I am right at what I pay now for cable. So I ask again what is the real savings here ?

Who are these people and why should anyone give a flying F ?

Yeah this is just clickbait. You really published this ?

Video does show them baiting them too, just sayin’ ...

Dye jobs and hair plugs cost a mint these days ...

I guess it is all depends on your perspective. I look at auto pay as laziness with no real idea of your finances, but it appears to work for you, so go with it, shrug ...

Just be responsible with your finances and there is no need for this fixed auto pay. If you can’t be responsible, then you deserve what ever penalties you get, just sayin’ ...

Anyone paying more than a few hundred dollars for a smart phone is a moron ...

$1500 ?! FAIL. Anyone spending that much for a phone needs their head examined or has way too much disposable cash ...

HRC trying to stay relevant, just go away, far far away ...


Or just dump the facebook app altogether and go through a browser, shrug ...

Twitter is nothing but a biased censor happy platform, screw jack dorsey & company ...

Who cares ? It’s a TV show, either watch it or don’t, end of story ...

How good is the actual service compared to the others ?