
I get the same at my job, albeit a different industry. I work in Auto Insurance. you’d be surprised how many people call in like “I need to know how much insurance is on a Honda.......” and that’s it. No other info, nothing. I just sit there bewildered like "Do you at least know the year and model? No? You don't know

It's true. I am.

I'm liking this game. It's like where's waldo mixed with tag. What will he think of next?? Where will he strike?

The "Tomato" Patent is a fine document

I wonder if Jason Williams knows how much white America adores him????


You ain’t fucking lying. As a Suns fan, Tim Duncan in the bane of my fucking existence with his chest passes and rectangles of efficiency. Yet so passive and mundane I can't bring myself to hate him.... argh!

Totally... If she was one of those.

Spoilers is great! I don’t pay for the HULU service so I’ve only watched a few episodes at my buddies but I’m a big K. Smith fan so I try and dabble in all his mediums. If you’re into podcasts, check his Smodco site. Hollywood Babble-on & smodcast is great. If you’re into comics and comic book movies, Fatman on Batman

Considering I’m making a comment on an internet blog and made no claims to the statement as being fact, one would assume it is my opinion. Didn’t really think it needed a disclaimer but since you're apparently grading this like a term paper: She’s not talented, I hate her voice and she’s unattractive. This is my

Nah, there are some pretty ugly guys too... Like Will Ferrell. But go ahead and read what you want, This has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with looks/talent. I knew it was only a matter of time before you worked your way into this thread, searching to be offended. It’s cool. I don’t take it personally.

My problem with Adequate Man blog is that they always seem to be giving answers to questions no one asked. it’s like they’re just in office musing about random stuff and it ends up as a blog. I wish that section would just become the "Tell us your worst _____ stories here" blog because those are highly entertaining.

Too bad. Her head is huge, her face is small, her neck is all wobbly and noodle like. Nothing about her is movie star level attractive or talented..... But I feel the same way about Will Ferrell. and I assure you, nothing makes me hurt more than liking anything less than Will Ferrell

Crazy how they made this movie with these actors and yet Penelope Cruz is still the worst thing about it.....

500 days of Kristin whatever is the only thing dumber than the adequate man posts. Sorry if you like those posts about Jay Cutlers wife, but I agree, adequate man is a really dumb sub

By how you describe yourself, Most people/servers would look at you and logically deduce that you can only handle two or three shots. They would be wrong, correct? Funny how logic isn’t always correct, Right? You can’t use yourself as a standard for how things effect others, is all I'm saying here.

They are titled “An evening with Kevin Smith” (1&2), “Burn in hell” and “To fat for 40”. If it makes them an easier to find. I know I'm a week late here.

How you metabolize alcohol and how everyone else in the world does are not the same. Biology is crazy, right?

Sure it is. It's called being drunk in public and you can totally be arrested for it, but most officers respect your decision not to maim innocent people with your car and just give you a ride home so you don't get run over stumbling across the road.

I can’t get the link to work because Kinja but if you Google “ Deadspin the best and dumbest meme is unfolding....." you should get to the article.