Yup, this guy. Unlike you two, who decided that my comment was SOOOOOO EGREGIOUS you just HAAAAAD to desperately try and prove me wrong somehow, yet you've only made yourself look equally sad and lonely. You're definitely sad and lonely
Yup, this guy. Unlike you two, who decided that my comment was SOOOOOO EGREGIOUS you just HAAAAAD to desperately try and prove me wrong somehow, yet you've only made yourself look equally sad and lonely. You're definitely sad and lonely
Typo’s aren’t indicative of spelling comprehension, first off. Second, It’s a Gawker site, so both of us spell better then most of the bloggers here. Third, I know you took extra special care and attention just so you could specifically criticize me on SOMETHING since you’re pretty much complaining about nothing from…
Or you’re just an insufferable asshole who just needs to get their 2 cents in. Yeah, that’s it. We all know and can tell, by the fact that you can’t take YOUR OWN ADVICE and throw 50 cent words like “purist” around because (and I’m letting you in a BIG secret here): You’re not clever and kind of boring. You’re just…
Well, you’ve proven your self worth. Assesment: 0%. You’re worthless. Awwwwwww :-(
Just as you could have skipped my comment and when on with your day, right?? So, let me ask, why do YOU care??
Well, I’ve had all those jobs plus more and none of that makes a difference. There’s other Kinja for that, also dedicated websites. This isn’t the platform for your Army/Med school/mechanic/nursing job stories. Especially when you pre-face it with “This is not related...” Why bother?? It’s crazy how self-important…
Because this is Kitchenette, nobody cares about your boring Army stories or med school stories or mechanic stories. There's other Kinja for that.
Why do so many people make comments like “This isn’t about a restaurant I worked in because I never have, and there’s no food involved at all, but let me tell you this completely unrelated 9 paragraph story.....” every week?? I don’t get it...
You're cat is a madman
I feel for cut-off shorts guy.... That's a party foul.
You should always tip the bartender, he/she did pour your drink, after all. How you tip is up to you. I usually tip $1 per drink (because I drink a lot when I go out so it adds up, believe me) plus a couple bucks when I leave (even if running a tab). I have friends that will just apply a tip to there tab at the end of…
I did read the article, because I have eyes and a brain not dumb enough to recognize that this is the stupidest fucking idea for a “joke day”, and you’ve proven that you’re not making a point.... at all. “Joke day” or not, this is not a good idea for a “Joke day”. Clearly you missed the part of the article where the…
I worked at Wendy’s years ago when they started serving chipotle sauce. 97% of all humans in my drive thru would pronounce it “Chip-ota-lay” sauce with a few “Chi-pota-layla” thrown in for good measure I guess. Don’t even get me started on the butchering of fish names when I worked in seafood.
Wait, wait , wait.... just fucking wait. You mean to tell me, there are people somewhere on this planet that call soda "Lemonade"??? seriously, was it just one weird guy you met one time who did it?? or are there really troves of insufferable assholes who call soda "lemonade"? That's like calling a taco "Pizza"! What…
Jesus Christ.... That's all I got. Jesus Christ white people.
I just wanted to say hello Kevin Smith. Hello.
This is hilarious
Kinda defeats the purpose of the "sandwich", no?
Wait... Wouldn’t you have to be driving the truck away from the box? Is the truck traveling in reverse towards the plate? If it was driving normally, and the pitcher threw into the wind, wouldn’t it have the reverse effect?