Adam James

Mmmmmm... Gravy

Nobody’s perfect.

There’s a bunch more on my website.

It was glorious.

That’s a bit much for me but to each their own I guess.

Well that’s like... your opinion man... (will take that into account in the future)

I’m the photographer that took this picture. How’s it going?

Jesus as my copilot

Today, After waiting two weeks for my 9-2x Aero to get out of the body shop, I get to pick it up!

You want a modern equivalent? Mazda's been making a car with a revy 1.5 and a good five speed for a few years now. My fiance has had her's for a year now and it's some of the most fun I've ever had behind the wheel of a car. It's hard to not love the Mazda 2.

I may be in Chicago but we're still twins!

It is a Saabaru and I named her WaSaabi.

Just bought one two weeks ago!

Because Miata. But seriously I just bought mine Saturday, and I test drove an S2000 and an RX8 beforehand! The RX8 was out immediately from fear that the rotary being too awesome for this mortal coil and committing seppuku. The s2000 was a second choice and only lost out because of mileage and price. $15,000 for a

Dear Santa,

I feel your pain. I bought a Dodge Caliber and owned it for four years.

-I sold my 87 325i out of frustration (was less mechanically inclined at the time)

It was taken away for a simple reason. That car is far too American to be driven by a Canadian.

Selling my 2007 Dodge Caliber when gas prices hit a high was by far my smartest move. I got $1000 more than it's blue book value and used the money to buy my 2001 Ford Mustang GT Convertible for under it's value.

Selling my 2007 Dodge Caliber when gas prices hit a high was by far my smartest move. I got $1000 more than it's blue book value and used the money to buy my 2001 Ford Mustang GT Convertible for under it's value.