SilentButNotReallyDeadly...killed by G/O Media

Is the Lady GT a Mustang?

As someone who (like most of the Great Unwashed) has never driven a Porsche and most likely never will then I don’t particularly care what Chris Harris thinks of the latest. If I got to drive it then I’d probably think it the most marvellous Porsche ever.

Given Hollywood’s propensity for whitewashing, I’d suggest Idris Elba for the Lamborghini role and Beat Takeshi to play Enzo...

Lived in Bourke in far western NSW. Negotiated a deal for a new vehicle (that I’d never driven) with a dealer in Chatswood (a suburb of Sydney, NSW), 760 kilometres away. The vehicle itself came from a dealer in Ferntree Gully (a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria), 900 kilometres from Chatswood. I then drove said new

Buying a new car in America is weird.

Land Rover gifted my mum a scarf & beanie set, a coffee mug and a leather key loop in a hessian shopping bag when she picked up her new D4. The dealer rep implied he was being really generous. Mum replied “So what do I do with this shit?” Dealer could not think of a suitable response. I think my giggles put him off.

I don’t trust any car company. But I’d probably buy a car...

They call me Yoot.

I thought Detroit was a made up place like Gotham City or Metropolis. Well, there you go.

The seatbelt buckle of a Datsun 1000. Metal and plastic in one easy to manage package.

Came in hot and still didn’t Torch it.

Actually the Magna and/or 380 is/was the same size as the Galant.

Or a Nissan that can fake it.

Clearly, they chose the right sponsor. Life.

No feelings. Nobody told me it was on. Maybe it was on past my bedtime?

And that is why I love little cars...

...and the Unidrive made driveshaft on the hot Corvettes too.

China would never allow its quarry to be blockaded.

It’s worth pointing out that Australia still has an automotive industry and will continue to do so for quite some time yet even after Holden follows Ford and Toyota out the car making door (who themselves followed Mitsubishi and Nissan, who left last decade).

Oh sure there’ll be less land but because of topography there may actually be more frontage...