We are United in our disappointment.
We are United in our disappointment.
In Oz, we’d have laughed at the fine then ignore it then do another burnout at the next opportunity to see if we could get a bigger and more worthy fine...
And worth tens of thousands of dollars in advertising for a listed company.
By 2050, environmental conditions in the Arctic won’t be bad so much as different. And it won’t just be in the Arctic.
Now that he’s retired...I hope he takes that tie with him.
Once. Probably in Dubbo or possibly in Nyngan depending on how full the tank was to start with. And he’d have taken the northern route option in Torch’s graphic because even a 12 year old would never try the Sydney route unless one’s life depended on it.
It has lived over thirty years, clearly in comfort and blessed ignorance. Surely this should be worth that to someone looking for some B2F’esque nostalgia? NP.
Ooooo...a Passion Pink Bentley Continental GT Speed [squeal]
His arse let go...and yet it didn’t.
1 step for most of us but one giant leap for Ford UK’s marketing department
Oh look...Polaris built a fluorescent weed whacker. And someone skillfully whacked weeds with it...
Might as well buy a Marvel comic instead. Has as much connection with reality as poundsigngoodlife.
...only if you are holding a packet of Kettle Chips at the time.
So #thehashtag could be a thing?
So many hashtags. I want to kick the fuck out of hashtags. If some-one is happy to sponsor me to do it then all the better.
Perhaps. But if they do nothing then it’s all over for HSV so why do nothing? There’s plenty of knowledge there and sufficient experience in Europe with similar engines and drivelines so if not HSV then Walkinshaw and others will step up.
...yeah. But which voltage shall we use?
It’s worth remembering that some snakes can not only jump but rear up, look you in the eye, spit in it and THEN jump...and bite you on the nose.
Can’t speak for Buick but the Holden Commodore version of this is most certainly getting a 3.6 litre V6 engine (230kW/370Nm - so that’s the LaCrosse tuned engine I guess) option in both sedan and wagon guises with the nine speed auto AWD driveline.
It looks like origami on wheels. Hopefully it wouldn’t be made like that as well.