Land Rover: Prepared for everywhere you’ll never get to go.
Land Rover: Prepared for everywhere you’ll never get to go.
OOOoooo...a single cab chassis Land Cruiser 75 series, a Defender and a dual cab chassis Land Cruiser 78 series. Much fun could be had...
I’ve got a title...‘KY Grill Fire (Lubed to Death)’
Yeah...four wheels, a slope to the front and and a box to the back, no roof, two doors. SpawtzKar.....!!
They are trying...their problem is how to make a case for a vehicle that used to sell in the order of tens of thousands per annum into something that sells hundreds of thousands.
And we all go boing boing boing down the trail....or across the speed humps at the local Walmart carpark.
Makes it easy to put a lift kit under it...
Can not give you enough stars....
I am ambivalent...
Like any technical specialist in any field one cares to name, the engineers is this case wanted to believe they were being befuddled by brilliant engineering. Because we all stive for that in our fields and respect it when we see it produced by others. Few of us want to entertain the thought that it is a cheat. So we…
I am the Lorax
There’s a ute version too intrigues me that no-one ever shows the ‘after’ shot of either:
So would you basically just lose control if you were to try and take it in a straight line?
Neutral: What VW Group Models Should Get Cut?
Having in the past driven one of these suckers with the standard weed whacker motor...I can assure you that, when upgraded to this sort of power and weight, twirling around is practically all it can do...
You got me aren’t an idiot. I’m an outsider to the USA (we reserve the right to rename it the United States of Trumplandia next year) and my view from here about it is not that dissimilar to Bernie’s...