SilentButNotReallyDeadly...killed by G/O Media

Perhaps only from the outside looking in...

But what’s more dangerous? A person equipped with a manual Mustang or that same person equipped with an automatic Mustang?

Yeti want to see more

Practice lap at Mount Panorama, Bathurst on a GSX1100...onboard camera in 1981!!

Even HSV have indicated they are looking to play with the Insignia...and given Holden is almost certainly going to take an Insignia wagon, there’ll be a performance version of it.

A Chinese made 4x4 dual cab this one

That gives me an idea...but I think I start with a Suzuki Sierra A.K.A. Samuari instead of a Wrangler.

Thanks to Jalopnik, such an event now feels as mundane as tears in the rain...

Ricciardo is clearly just nuts.

Not really. It’s only worth talking about (from Jeep’s perspective) if there’s the margin to support it...follow the money.

If the manual gearbox only accounts for 10 to 20% of sales then why would you talk about it in the first place?

They still come into Oz as a grey import from time to time...

You forgot about the pickup version that us Aussies have been told is coming with this iteration...

I’m late to this but oh well...the answer is yes. And bear in mind that I’m an Australian and a former ute owner.

We call them ‘trucklets’ round my way...

Hino (Toyota) comes to the party too. Just in a bigger class

Buggered if I know...

Mmmm...Fuso Canter. Funnily enough distributed by Daimler in Oz

The suspension can be fixed to a certain extent with parabolic springs. And the stock seating is usually binned for a decent suspension seat from Stratos/KAB...but yes there are still some compromises in the cab-over design which is why the new breed of Euro trucks like Iveco Daily and M-B Sprinter are biting into can get them stock like that...