SilentButNotReallyDeadly...killed by G/O Media

Ever seen a crash test on an old Datsun 1000? could create a whole line-up of vehicles with beastie names that were regionally specific...and manufacturer appropriated

Yep. It’s easy to forget that Datsun is already back from the dead in other parts of the world that aren’t America.

Yeah but...given the choice between a Mini 4 door with a Seven Pack or a BMW 1 Series then...which would you pick?

Hmmm...I wonder if a 240Z project would be cheaper than a DOKA project?

It’ll get a TDi engine...just not in the US.

Ahhh...America. Beautiful one day. Batshit crazy the next.

Which will probably be called the Touareg given that the MQB platform will be used for nigh on everything VW...even their commercial vans.

I foresee dead people...

It looks like an ant. Drawn by Pixar. Am I broken?

More to the point...can you make a Touareg into a Skoda?

As an Australian it is my duty to translate the exclamation that you called “fuckin’ kangaroo”. You were mistaken as you didn’t take into account our capacity under pressure to compress whole sentences into one exclamation...

I’ve tried both. Arguably I have failed both times. Both efforts took a shit ton of money and resulted in modified cars that were (with the benefit of a decade of hindsight) little better than what I started with.

I think ‘kill’ is too strong a word. And ‘severe damage’ really depends where you are on the ledger at the time.

The missus drives one as part of the office fleet in inland Oz. Worst thing about them is the dust sealing. Everything else works...and still works when the lease is up (unlike most other dual cabs). Unlike Toyota Hilux, it is available in short timeframes and cheaper to boot. Unlike Ford can see out of

The most technically true thing about my crappy car that I can say that will beat off any high tech performance car porn you could lay eyes on at a Cars & Coffee...

They did that in Oz...well they sold the euro made i20 alongside the Korean made Accent. Now we just have the Accent.

It should be worth knowing and understanding that the Sun is a News Limited owned newspaper. News Limited and the Murdoch’s in particular DESPISE the BBC because of its operating power and market presence in the UK television market as a result of viewer licencing (yes you have to pay for a television licence to watch

Tesla Model2.

Cabin Baggage.