SilentButNotReallyDeadly...killed by G/O Media

From $180,000 Australian...roughly US$140,000.

And if the Oz experience is anything to go will still be awful


I’d like bifold French doors on my next supercar...with leadlined glass and hand carved cricket bats. Kind of inspired by this...

That’s a pretty cool gear head kind of way to make a family soccer wagon like that Jeep into some sort of actual off roader.

You don’t have to go very far back in time to find small/micro ‘real’ cars that deform, disintegrate & mulch crash test dummies in much the same fashion as these four wheeled motor scooters.

I’d add changing dampers to the list of easy jobs on most vehicles.

Probably because I’m not convinced it is a human person. I’m thinking its a Google translation from a German speaking PR themed chat bot...

The 1980's was such a terrifying time for men’s hair. We were so cooly uncool as a result...

Oil stained car spaces can’t be unique to LA...or am I missing something?

Meanwhile, in a Ford Ranger...40% offset at 64 km/h (about 40 mph).

There’s your first mistake...schematics for Series Land Rover parts are more conceptual than actual. Can you CNC an approximation?

No door tops too, eh? is still all the interior you’ll ever actually need to drive anywhere in the world...regardless of road conditions.

I am reminded of the Wolverine 2 version of Deadpool for some reason...

I’m seeing lots of assholes. Some have motorcycles. Some have cars. One has a gun. Another has a video camera and a Youtube account...there are probably many others besides...

Sometimes it is...

I know of a gent in the UK who cleaned his dismantled viscous coupling (from a VW Transporter syncro) of its silicon fluid in his dishwasher...quite successful apparently.

Now look forward to all PSA vehicles losing their quirk...