
What kind of grown ass woman sits that way?????

My quick and dirty interpretation of a Lotus SUV.

When it comes to air traffic the definition of “close” (as well as the word “incident”) is very, very different than say, a near miss fender-bender. Air-traffic-control wise this is a pretty serious fuck-up not only because he came that close to an airliner, but because he’s in the wrong place altogether.

Trump, under orders from President Bannon, will adopt this dog in order to show his kinder, more humanitarian side

Pets of world leaders. Heck, even current pets of former world leaders.


another victory for Team Dog.

Please let “Good Dogs Of Famous World Leaders” be a running thing.

So: How can we rewrite the rules to prevent the top car from happening again and get us back to the elegance of the second car?

An airplane needs enough lift to get it up into the air. It doesn’t need to produce as much lift as possible to push it harder up into the air.

if you think subjective beauty has any place in F1, you should be hung by your genitalia until dead.
F1 is supposed to be the full on balls out highest level of technology possible on 4 wheels, not “pretty”

It’s a race car. If masonry brick was proven to be the perfect aerodynamic shape, they’d make them look like masonry bricks.

They’re going to do every single thing they can to extract as much performance per square cm, looks be damned. Makes sense to me. You don’t ask the fastest female runner in the world to get a

CP, but not for the reasons everyone else is blowing out their ass…

Adding some clarification.

*looks outside to Legacy in parking lot*

Some day you will be a fire-breathing monster, some day.

I think I’m more likely to get a “For The Love of God, Knock It Off” order.

So basically its The Matrix, except the people are plugged into cars instead of power plants.

loeb doesn't drive in f1

Mark calls bullshit.