As a Canadian, I don’t understand the deification of the signers of the America Consititution. They put together a document that suited themselves, in a time when very few people had the ability to vote. Times have changed a lot.
As a Canadian, I don’t understand the deification of the signers of the America Consititution. They put together a document that suited themselves, in a time when very few people had the ability to vote. Times have changed a lot.
Exactly. And we elected him for four years, not three.
ALSO, the American people had a voice when we chose our current president... TWICE!
The GOP plan to obstruct considering his replacement for 11 months makes me sick.
...Seriously? All of the Lawyers in the forum I frequent held him in MASSIVE contempt and they all varied in political opinions except in the opinion that he was TERRIBLE at his job and a deplorable human being. I don’t pretend to know a lot about legalise, but nothing I’ve heard of Scalia gives the impression of…
Fuck him, it is good for us all that he is dead and would have been better if it was earlier.
Sure you will, cupcake. Next time I’m dictating how constitutional law is interpreted across the most powerful nation on earth, you can dance on my fucking grave.
I disagree with nothing you’ve said. Are there “nicer” ways of saying what I said? Yes. But they’re less honest and less raw.
What does that even mean? So you agreed with the man’s politics so you're all bent out of shape that some of us are glad to have him off the Supreme Court? Grow up.
I’m not trying to impress anyone. And I sure as shit am not “gloating”.
I absolutely sympathize with his family and people who loved him. Losing a loved one is a terrible thing. But since death is one of the only ways to be removed from the highest court in our land, I won’t feel bad saying I’m glad he’s gone from that particular post.
Hide behind what? I said openly what I feel. You can hate the content of what I said, but to accuse me of hiding something? The man was a devout Catholic and his policy was largely driven by that.
I dunno. When a horrible person dies who did horrible things to lots of people I kind of expect them to be talked about like, I dunno, they were a horrible person. Toxic is what Scalia was on the SCOTUS. The people here talking about his legacy are not toxic anymore than a snake bite victim is toxic when talking about…
This does not for one moment change the fact that Scalia’s judicial record and his politics are incompatible with the First Amendment. A defense of a luxury entertainment—a toy, albeit a sophisticated one rooted in art—does not excuse his willingness to viciously curtail basic human rights for broad swaths of the…
I absolutely feel bad for the people who loved him as a person. But as a Supreme Court justice? As one of the most powerful people on earth? I’m glad he’s gone. I’ll take the title of “callous” if that’s what you want to call it. His opinion adversely affected millions over the years. I won’t apologize for that.
We lost a good man today too? Who was that? I’ve not heard about anyone else dying today.
Something about broken clocks.
A far right asshole, that was stuck in the 30s and defended video games. The original.
Not sure if making an obvious point for freedom of speech makes up for the blatant racism, homophobia, misogyny, and overall regressive policies.