
Were you born stupid or do you just practice at it?

LOL at “one of the greatest legal minds that this country has ever known”.


And Scalia did not interpret its Constitutionality, he interpreted it based on his lack of scientific knowledge.

Unless the author knew him or his family personally, she’s under no obligation to suddenly develop respect for him just because he died, of natural causes, at a ripe old age. He was a public figure who used his vast power for evil. Let us not forget that.

Precisely. I don’t believe in erasing someone’s record because they died. I held Scalia in contempt during life, I do the same in death. Personally, I find him (found him now, I guess) a disgusting human being who was willing to relegate women, minorities, gays, the non-rich, and anyone else he didn’t identify with,

That’s cute that you think that a judge’s values don’t have anything to do with their opinions. Despite saying he was a textualist/originalist, he was far from it, and frequently interjected his personal opinions.

The issue here is that even those reasonable conservatives will vote Republican, and there’s not a single reasonable candidate on the GOP ticket. So it doesn’t matter how reasonable you are when it comes to climate change, or equality, or science, because you’re backing a candidate who is decidedly none of those

What, analyzing the effects of losing a member of the most powerful court in the country has to wait until an arbitrary mourning period has passed?

If there were another way to leave the Supreme Court, perhaps then we wouldn’t feel celebratory when one of the members bites it.

“I’m not a scientist. I’m a supreme court justice. Your climate change science confuses and frightens me. When you say global warming does that mean I will be living in an oven? I don’t know, because I am a supreme court justice and that is just how I think.”

Scalia was a famously activist judge and didn’t give a fuck about judicial restraint.

i’m pretty much convinced that scalia did way more harm than good to the nation, and in the end, was more of a bona fide threat to democracy than Saddam Hussain.

If you had any legal knowledge, were a practicing lawyer, worked in a court, etc..., you would too.

It’s very helpful that your handle describes your post content.

Liberals typically don’t make it a point to consistently oppress the rights and freedoms of women and minority groups.

As a Canadian, I don’t understand the deification of the signers of the America Consititution. They put together a document that suited themselves, in a time when very few people had the ability to vote. Times have changed a lot.

because being a liberal is not an awful thing.

Exactly. And we elected him for four years, not three.

ALSO, the American people had a voice when we chose our current president... TWICE!

The GOP plan to obstruct considering his replacement for 11 months makes me sick.