
that’s a hefty fee for every transaction

A National Treasure!

This is part of the maturity plateau that the entire smartphone segment has reached, where progression has stagnated a bit because there’s barely any headspace for things to get faster, better screens, and better cameras. It’s not like 2008 - 2015, where things were striding in huge leaps of performance and it was

I think that's an accurate comparison, after all at this point the US is considered a third world country.

In this economy, he was probably working as a back up camera smh

Bitch, you broke into another person’s home and fucking shot him. The only thing that’s ‘reasonable’ here is seeing you put under the jail.

Mustang? We should be so lucky. You know KITT will be a crossover.

“Bring your face over here”

Damn you people for making me defend something Trump does or says ... but yeah—cut off Tencent root & branch, and let it die with any luck. So long as the CCP can hijack Chinese companies with impunity to advance its own purposes, those Chinese companies need to be ground into dust on the global market.

Justin I believe there has been a misunderstanding here. Trail Rated on modern Jeeps simply mean it will safely navigate shopping center parking lots and the occasional drive over a curb or parking block. 

I’m pretty sure the current government made the virus political. Believing it exists is political. Preventing the spread is political. Wearing a face covering is political.

1. Transportation is political.

But, what are the chances it lands on land if they dont have a target landing area? (I know, 30% given 70% is water). But still thats pretty risky traveling at “rocket” speeds. Not sure how this works, hence the noob question.

Honestly they should just send and recover from Kourou, the french space center in Guiana. There is no major cities anywhere around, and people from Guiana, Suriname and north Brazil are less idiotic than floridians.
It’s close enough to the US for logistics, and far enough to prevent idiots from being there. Plus

I mean, most of their launch operations are in Florida currently, as well as a lot of their refurbishment facilities. They probably prefer the capsule land within a relatively short drive away from there. Shipping the capsule from CA or TX back to Florida would be expensive and time consuming.

If only rocket since was that easy.

They need to build a wall around the landing site and make the Dolphins pay for it.

Yea it was worth more before the conversion. 

Not sure why anyone would ruin a perfectly good MR2 to build....this. 

It’s a nice price as long as you view it like a membership at an exclusive country club. That is, the $5000 is your initiative fee and you will be billed on a regular basis after that.