
Me too, I fucking hate them. Calling my agent to put them on notice tomorrow, happy friday assholes!

Decades ago, when I first move to the USA, I insured my car with State Farm. The agent acknowledged that it was expensive, but told me that in 6 months time, the cost would drop. After 6 months, I phoned the agent and he denied ever making that statement.

I’m super unhappy with State Farm. A year ago I tried to get my mileage adjust down, and they refused. I tried again 6 months ago and they said “oh you can’t do this now, you have to do it on your anniversary”. I was like “ I TRIED to 6 months ago, and you REFUSED?” My agent professed innocence and ignorance.

“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by

Yep, they have Peter Schreyer who is ex-Audi. They also have Andrew Biermann who is ex-BMW M Group. 

they did...its been quite apparent of late. 

I need to figure out how to do that, man.

This clown earned $120M from Google, but that wasn’t enough for him. He decided to steal their tech in order to create his own company, Otto, which he then sold to Uber.

Yup. The only way I really see it working any time in the near or even not-so-near future is dedicated roadways that eliminate the vast majority of potential variables.

Bingo! This is what I’ve been saying. The computers are good enough to keep the truck on the road, to follow directions, to miss most of the obvious obstacles.

No,no, no,no,no,no, they want their employees to ask law enforcement if they’d be willing to trade in their phones for store credit.

If it’s more of the same, I’ll wait.
If it’s fully backwards compatible for PS4 and PS3, I will pre-order that thing in a second.
...via Amazon...for delivery. I’m not going into a GameStop till there’s a vaccine. 

This is where a sane system would require some sort of statutory reserve plan in exchange for the bailout. 

No, my work does a majority of our business in China, and I can tell you production in our industry is back up to 70%, after having been down to as low as 10% during the peak. They are really on the upswing. And it’s due to them being proactive ass hell and quarantining millions of people. Shutting down whole cities

Everyone who voted for this idiot needs to slink off in shame and never vote again. You clearly cannot be trusted with any important decision ever.

Good. The trucks should be crushed and molded into the shape of a Prius. 

Look, I get it, some of you guys think that cars are killing the planet,

No, pretty much anyone who has scientific knowledge in this area agrees that cars are killing the planet. Don’t try to downplay it because it doesn’t align with your view that you need a monster truck to get to work.

I absolutely can and absolutely will complain about 18 mpg. That is truly unacceptable.

dogshit viewing angles

Still moves faster than the line at the DMV.