

Maintenance/ reliability issues, I assume?

Wait, didn’t Apple work with Audi and Merc and Toyota for the Apple Car-play thing? Didn’t Apple plan for this lack of 3.5mm jack? looks like someone goofed up somewhere!! I am not against them dropping the 3.5, but bad planning by Apple on a bigger implementation.

A some-what related topic - today I realized that the first car(s) manufactured were 1 wheel drive - just 1 wheel. Since that got stuck all the time, it went the 2-wheel-drive way. This is from the how-differentials-work post. Interesting, but also completely mind-blown.

That’s a nice pic in the post, especially the rims. Are those rims a part of the options sheet, or specific to Mopar - black/grey/gunmetal color?

why someone would bother

Serious question - what is a “platform”? The Toyota Sienna and Camry have the same platform, The old TL and Accord had the same platform. I was thinking it is the size of the chassis and the dimensions and placement of the 4 wheels, but I am wrong. Can someone explain, or point me to a source to get more understanding

YEs, this!!!

I give you a star for the smiley face on the truck’s battering ram - is it a battering ram or a barrel?

During riding in the winter I wear bib-tights and cycling jacket, that is kind of thin, but keeps me warm along with the heat generated by my body. That is slightly better than going all-skin in the summer. I hear your point - I have gotten my share of skin scrapes and scars!

Didn’t that hot woman in Nation Wide insurance wear leather and do cat-burglary movements?

Extravagant set pieces - check!

Nope - Indians know MIT/ Stanford/ CalTech is for engineering. Actually a lot of people I know first applied to IIT, and if dinged, apply to MIT/ Harvard and GET IN. That’s how crazy it is.

For that matter, even Yale. Not sure why not CalTech, MIT, CMU, UIUC.

Lol.. the first cat in my sentence is the feral cat (house cats). The second cat in my sentence is the felidae family. So yes your sentence, even in my context makes sense.

So cats are the Chuck Norris of the cat world?

No way could a car, coming in at that angle survives enough to keep running. But what we saw in the movie was (is) a miracle! All praise the All-Mighty!!!

even the snake needs to take it easy once in a while.. :)

Why is it in your carry-on to begin with? Mile-high party, perhaps?

General question - who comes up with these rules/ procedures? Not criticizing, but am interested to know the source. I am sure its not a bunch of people sitting in a room coming up with dress codes (in Army I can see), but it is from British/ European legacy, or something written somewhere that people refer to to