
Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!!

HEY, this looks CG... or is it a real car?

GET RID OF THIS TACK ON SCREEN MB.. THIS RUINS THE INTERIOR, which is otherwise very well appointed!

Actually THIS is the definition of an appliance - all covered and nothing you can do but to call a service guy to fix your car!

I would want to see those shiny batteries at least.. unless its UNDER the car like in a Tesla.. :) then it’ll have 2 trunks!


That’s already sad - I was thinking just one big black flat piece of plastic. Why even bother with the different shapes and sizes! But yea, my thoughts...

That would be a cruel prank! But someone put some thought into it. :)

Yes - if they can integrate this into a way how cars can decipher Waze data, all I see is PROFIT!

Not much different from ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!

I can imagine the conversation going something like:

I wouldn’t be surprised if, one day, you open the hood, and its just a big plastic cover staring back at you!! You wait and see, it is going to happen!

Reminds me of the Chrysler 200 tail lights..

I bought a watch that does literally nothing but tell me the time.

that’s amazin’. An ENTIRE tree BRANCH comes off.. :)

Ewww.. is that a band-aid on the water...

I want to see the driver/ operator go back to his manager and report a missing excavator! Unless he’s the manager, when I want to see him report to HIS manager..


Even the mics are disciplined to stand in a straight line...

Good catch - I give you a star!