Sike Chick

Yes, his "let me explain to you how filmmaking works" shit was soooooo condescending. Like, DUDE! I disagreed with her arguments too (I'll admit my bias though since I think Goodfellas is one of the best movies EVER), but he was kind of a dick about it. It was very off-putting.

I kinda agree. It was like she was reaching for reasons to be on the opposite side of the argument which made me wonder if the show just tosses a movie at these two and they each just have to argue a side (like high school debate club or something).

My mom used to say 'colored' was actually a more appropriate term for black people because we can be "light as a sheet, dark as the night and everything in between". It's one of those 'generational' things. She grew up in the South during the 50s & 60s when 'colored' was the accepted term.

You're not the one who named a kid Jinger. You're alright.

There is nothing like the horrorible rap names and horrible rap lyrics the Law & Order universe comes up with.

Yes!!! I remember watching this (while on the phone with my BFF because that was how one 'live tweeted' back in the day). When MJ started singing "Billie Jean", we both lost our ever-loving minds, screaming like we were at the show live. It was the best thing ever in my 11-year-old life!!!

See, I would have told you to watch Lone Star and Frailty and 13 Conversations About One Thing. I've been a fan of MM for a long time and I suffered through some true dreck because of it, but this recent spate of amazing performances kinda doesn't surprise me at all. I think he just matured and decided he wasn't

*sheepishly* I actually like the TCM remake and the F13 remake. It took a while for them to grow on me, but I kinda can't totally hate those two. Meanwhile, I want to rinse my eyes out with bleach after the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Ugh! I have a love/hate relationship with RZ's Halloween's because those

Yes. First, there was Olivia going up to Andrew and telling him to keep away from the First Lady. Andrew should have said, "Heifer you got some nerve." Then Fitz throws that accusatory hissyfit about Mellie and Andrew. People were speculating that he was upset because his daughter saw…except he doesn't really know

No kidding. Fitz and Olivia are constantly making out in the Oval Office. Oh, sure he pulls her behind his desk so the overhead camera won't see, but then they're sucking face right by a window. And never forget every Secret Service agent on his detail has stood outside Liv's apartment while they banged or flown

Yes, that tends to be my favorite combo as well, but I do get unnaturally disappointed when I hear the intro and there is no Steve. I have also enjoyed regular disaster movie expert guest, Justin Case.
This episode wasn't gold, but as someone else mentioned, it would be hard to follow Easy Rider: The Ride Back

Can we replace Holt with Mankiewicz?

Are there really people who are still Team Olitz. Have those people watched any of the last two seasons because there are soooooooo many different reasons those two are TOXIC together and one would have to be blind not see it, even in soap opera land.
Olivia is A Thing To Have for Fitz. I never felt that more than

While I agree that Elizabeth Rohm is a horrible actress and often wondered how we were to believe her character made it through HIGH school, let alone LAW school, I think she gets a lot of guff for her "lesbian" line. That guff should go to the writers who decided that was the way to go. Frankly, I don't think any

I kinda remember an episode where Carmichael is being a real beeotch to a young woman who claimed she had been raped by a guard at a correctional facility, but Carmichael thought she was lying, but she wasn't which made Abby feel all bad by the end. I remember hating that episode because it was like the writers had

Oh man! Robinette is still my favorite ADA on ALL of the L&O's. I know they ditched him and hired Jill Hennessey (and S. Epatha Merkerson) because they needed to have women on the show. However, the continued trend of hiring these young hotties to be Jack's second chair (and yes, I know Claire was with Ben Stone

I might feel bad for Cyrus if I ever felt like he gave a single hot-damn about James. However, since the beginning of this show, I've kinda felt like James was an afterthought to Cy (and to the show). Everyone is a manipulative jerk, but the way Cyrus treats James is kinda cringe-worthy, especially when you consider

I think it reveals that eventually Liv is gonna end up chained to the floor in the basement of that house when Fitz isn't president and can't order the Secret Service to kidnap her FOR him. He is just that deternined to have her.
The fact he had a house built for her without anyone knowing is just kinda terrifying.

You have a problem with thinking clearly, actually. Fitz and Olivia just can't seem to do that.
The house was a big ole WTF for me. When did he have this thing built? How does NO ONE know that the President has a whole secret house just waiting for his mistress? Rooms for kids (note: he didn't say HIS kids,