Guess BB won’t be making any Seahawks-alumni trips to Seattle anytime soon...
Guess BB won’t be making any Seahawks-alumni trips to Seattle anytime soon...
I wonder if he has flashbacks whenever he watches the scene in Me, Myself, and Irene, when Jim Carrey blows off his own thumb? "WHERE'S MY THUMB???"
He looks like Mark Zuckerberg went several rounds with Marvin Hagler.
You go up there and make that joke...
Shouldn’t there be a line for the guys training to be the Strongest Man in the World? I figured that’d have to cover a third of the country.
Looks like House of Cards is starting over with a woman Senator this season...guess that’s one way to avoid Spacey.
Don’t teams have to be good in order to have a rivalry? I don’t hear anything about the Browns being anyone’s rivals anymore...
I spent the first lap trying to figure out where the hell they were going. Looked they were heading to the parking lot at one point...random track
My neck! My back! My neck and my back! Ohh...I want a hundred and fifty THOUSAND! But we can settle out of court right now, for twenty bucks.”
I guess Jackass was more influential than I thought...
So you’re saying she should’ve Czeched herself before she wrecked herself?
There’s also a word called “context.” First, the song parts that included the N word were sung by a black artist. Second, the white players singing the song weren’t singing it to be racist or mean, they were singing it because they like the song and were enjoying themselves in a private setting. If they had been in a…
Whatever. That’s Danny DeVito dressed as a turkey...
Doesn’t look anything like my 16-month old toddler. No relation to humans at all...
Why are all of these companies testing their cars on public roadways, anyways? I know half the country hates regulation, but this exact why we have it. Or in this case, we dont have it. Time for the feds to step up, force these billion-dollar companies to pay for their own test tracks and facilities, set industry-wide…
I guess that’s one way to relate with Buffalo fans. All that was missing was a folding table.