You’re pulling my chain....
You’re pulling my chain....
Wait, the police didn’t interview the bouncer, but interviewed a bunch of other patrons? Seems odd that the detective would talk to randoms and not the bar staff.
Still trying to understand how this is physically possible. So, a guy who’s 6'-3" with “large hands” is supposed to somehow, in the time it takes to pop a couple of photos, slip his hands into someone’s pants and between their legs from a typical standing position. Was she tall, or was he bent way over? How was she…
If more time is spent watching the coach complain rather than the fight itself, it wasn’t that good of a fight. Even if fighting was a deterrent against dirty hits on skill players, why don’t teams wait until the enforcers are in the penalty box, and just continue playing dirty. The threat has been removed! Seems like…
Chris Long had the best response. Just leave it there and ignore for the fraud she is.
Move along.
Typically it’s ammonia, or smelling salts. Or he’s a full-blown tweaker, but you tell him that.
OH NO, A TENNIS FIGHT! Oh the humanity!
She’s made over $12M a season for several years, plus she gets some of the back-end financials as well. I get it, she likes money. I guess I’d stay at a crappy job for several years as well if you paid me that much, but eventually I’d realize that I’m worth tens of millions of dollars and that I don’t need that crappy…
SVU is garbage. It was marginally tolerable in its’ heyday several years ago, but now it’s so preposterously awful, it’s laughable. Last night’s hostage scene was basically Esparza holding his son hostage by himself in a second floor apartment with several large windows. The SWAT team is on-scene, equipped with scopes…
What’s the logic in sending a 29yo to play in the U23? Thats like sending an NFL player back to college. Doesn’t seem right...
Please stop.
Ugh, meltdown makes a person want to voluntarily institutionalize themself. It’s like the shower song from Psycho, but the orchestra took a handful of amphetamines...
Dude, playing the videos in reverse did NOTHING of benefit. If anything, it distracted and annoyed viewers, which the opposite of what any good PSA wants to do. Great topic, bad execution.
Did he actually contact Nassar? If he didn’t, his charges would be minor, similar to contempt of court or disturbing the peace. If it’s a minor offense, he might not get prosecuted. Not a lot of glory in prosecuting the grieving father of molested kids...
He showed his hand WAY too early by asking the judge all of those questions. C’mon guy.
Lighten up, Alex, and quit being a baby. Thanks for automatically assuming that I’m some unathletic, slobby dickhead because I have a valid opinion on something. Something tells me you wouldn’t have that opinion or at least say those things to my face if we were having a face-to-face discussion, but go ahead and keep…
As a Seahawks fan, it’s the heartbreaker, hands-down. No one talks about the Broncos blowout loss to the Seahawks. Everyone talks about the Seahawks loss to the Pats the following year.
Shouldn’t the Pats be expected to make the SB every year? They play in the AFC, against mostly trash QBs, or trash defenses, or trash coaches, or a combination of all 3. Their division has been a decades-old dumpster fire. If they were in the NFC, their annual home-field advantage, SB appearances, and SB wins gets cut…
Great. Now that the SEC has made inroads into the Pacific Islands, the PAC 12 will be even more irrelevant. Granted, once the recruits enjoy a 10-hour flight to AL, get constantly confused with Hispanics and Asians, and realize no one outside of campus knows that Hawaii is a US state, maybe the west coast schools…