
Honestly, I think he’s kind of more a Copperplate Gothic Bold kind of guy: effectively all-caps and insane at any size. Plus, he doesn’t have any of the squishy factor people who use Comic Sans think the font conveys. He has the squishy factor of a ziploc bag you filled with salad leftovers and forgot about for three

It would be a public service to release it. I know they missed some greats in that roundup they did last year, and also it’s three months later. We should demand Gawker/Jezebel accountability, which they can prove by releasing the spreadsheet so we can console ourselves in November.

Exactly. If this is a widespread game in that school, then the school needs to talk to the students about it, but no one should be arrested for this, particularly since the school has a disciplinary system. This isn’t the same situation as it would be if she was standing on a street pinching passersby when the police

I use the butter bell (it’s convenient, because I got it at a garage sale for less than a buck and I don’t own a butter dish) but I leave out the water because it’s a BFD for no good reason, as you point out. But yeah, that blew my mind when I realized that butter doesn’t really seem to go bad where I’m at. I mean, if

I don’t understand why the Spanish form hasn’t made it over here yet, particularly when we talk about hyphenated names being problems for children who may marry people with hyphenated names. If you hyphenate your kid’s last name to reflect both parents and they choose a name to hyphenate with their spouse’s when they

Yeah, I’m getting really fucking tired of being “protected” so other people, whether trans, poor, underinsured, or otherwise underserved, can be harmed.

The major ones are the “Sixth Slave” comic strip from 2011 and then a blowup that was perceived as anti-trans in 2013. My personal take on the “sixth slave” strip is that the joke that caused the controversy isn’t the actual joke in the strip and it doesn’t ping my buttons as an incorrect prop of the joke (I really do

That’s definitely the case with the Captain America wank panel in the comics, so it wouldn’t surprise me. I love the whole dichotomy of the not-quite-obvious dirty joke - if the comics code authority complained, they looked like they had filthy minds, and if they didn’t, they let slip stuff that really wasn’t innocent.

Yeah, it completely underscores how much of a sellout this song is. I’ll be honest - I really liked All About That Bass when I heard it like twice a week. It got super overplayed in a hurry, though. But I’ve never jumped on the anti-Trainor bandwago, so I watched the video, and it was just ... how the fuck did anyone

I have no idea what you’re talking about when you describe this video as male-gaze-y. My women friends and I frequently get dressed up in our best fishnets, pile onto my couch, and writhe around while we discuss feminism, post-modern literature, and the merits of the Austrian School of economics, as exemplified by

I get called sir all the time because I’m 6'4" and wear my hair in a Chelsea hawk. The fact that my boobs are eye-level on most people and I pretty much wear dresses and skirts exclusively doesn’t register. I’m mostly just curious to know how many people think I’m trans because it’s so rare to see women my height. I

Only when Willie Nelson’s “Cowboys Are Secretly Frequently Fond Of Each Other” comes on the radio.

Incorrect. I have assigned this guy to the gender “Assbags who want everyone to get off their lawn”, and you don’t get out of that one just by waving your dick at people. But my feeling is that real men, and also real women, and real genderfluid people, and really, anyone not in my made-up gender up there, don’t act

That’s exactly it. I can go home and slam around if I’m frustrated, or go out and have a drink and tell crass jokes to my friends, because I’m not on camera all the damn time and no one is going to sell papers by putting me in them. Celebs don’t have that luxury, and while some of them are certainly jerks, and some of

That certainly isn’t fair, and I don’t THINK anyone’s advocating for that (I may be wrong). If you look at, though, the roles for minorities or women in Hollywood, there aren’t a lot, and most of them are not of roles that should be considered Oscar-caliber. Someone had a breakdown of them months ago that I could not

I hoped I was overthinking it, but thought it was probably better to be safe than sorry. :)

I’ve started saying that in this country only white people can be racist (because of the power structures behind whites) but anyone can be a bigot. I wound up changing my terms because “reverse racism” is a really loaded term for everyone who hears it, and isn’t correct in any case, because again, the power structures

I agree with this. I first ran across it (I am putting on my asbestos underwear RIGHT NOW) with Penny Arcade, and you can (if you know the controversies there) like Gabe or not, but he does at least seem to be committed to learning about how not to be a bully and admits that’s a persona he took on a long time ago and

In a lot of ways, Kasich is even more a dumpster-fire of a person than Trump or Cruz, because he’s kind of stealth-terrible compared to their willingness to get up on stage and be terrible. He’s got to be hanging on because he thinks the convention is going to be brokered and he might get offered the nomination as the

Yeah, but that’s looking at it from an ahistorical viewpoint. My dad, who voted for Reagan twice and therefore is an idiot imho, will be happy to tell anyone who listens that Reagan actually raised taxes. That’s not what he did. He certainly did raise them from the absolute lowpoint he dropped them to, but when you