
Every day!

That at least would be hilarious! Unfortunately, I am not so cool as to get replies from JCO.

I think if the NRA’s power doesn’t diminish and soon, within the next fifteen years, we WILL lose all gun rights. I know that’s such a long prediction as to be statistically meaningless, but I’m looking at age groups. I don’t see the NRA appealing to young voters at this point in time, not in great numbers, and they

My nephew, who is an idiot, recently moved to Tennessee because gay marriage is bad and god is great and guns are amazing.

Since we have barely any controls as it is ...

I’m glad you told someone you know IRL. This is too much load for one person. I hope Big Foot does well in school all year, and her other issues start getting straightened out.

Years. Eesh. I knew about the lawsuit but hadn’t realized there’d been a verdict.

But imagine what fun you could have with 52 kittens!

That’s really unfair to yeast.

I’d like to be able to reload without having to reopen everything. Or else there should be an AJAX comment notification so that you don’t have to refresh to see that you have replies.

I put that shit back on them. “You’re going to cut yourself/kill yourself/whatever? That is the choice you’re making, and it has nothing to do with me at all, because it is YOUR CHOICE to do so.”

I wear six earrings, and I take them off at night, put them on the bedside table, and go to sleep. My cat, who is clearly a magpie, believes that I put them there for him to bat at and knock onto the floor. The part that stops me from changing my behaviour, since I keep most of my earrings in a tray on my dresser, is

I’d do a base coat in black or silver and then splatter paint it in bright colours, then seal it all with clear spraypaint. And then I would probably add rhinestones, because go big or go the fuck home.

That sounds like a nightmare, and I’m glad you got out better than you were when you were in.

Wait, wait, I just read your whole username. Explain to me the rules of this “kitten poker”. And please tell me I need to start with 52 kittens, including 13 tuxedo, 13 magpie, 13 tabby, and 13 siamese.

I just realized I’ve become what I hate, which “someone who can’t figure out how to google”. Thank you for answering me, and I really mean that. Sorry to be so dingy about googling.

I like that distinction. It isn’t as though that zygote is going to become banana, but it’s not yet a person.

I am having the kind of week that is just really comedic, or would be if I could get off the couch and stop being so depressed. I am clearly never going to get a job, and next month my bf and his wife (and, eventually, her bf) are moving into my apartment building, and I’m worried it’s going to be a shitshow because

Yup, I only play in comment sections on Jez (even Gawker is like NOPE THE FUCK OUT) and it’s super nice to have such a generally supportive community. And that one person who wrote a 37 paragraph reply to tell me that she doesn’t like me because I don’t like something she likes, and also I’m mean. (I had to mention

Ahahahaha, that is the kind of BDSM relationship that does not happen to me, end of. Like, that would be my RUN AWAY NOW sign. That shit creeps me out. I don’t even email my aunt because she and her husband share their email account because neither of them is all that wild about technology.