
Elon Musk is actually my favorite billionaire- the projects and industries he is in are very forward thinking- he wants to get us off fossil fuels, he seeks to push space exploration.... He could’ve retired and just become an angel investor after PayPal, but he decided to throw all of his fortune into trying to

Brent Spiner’s roles keep getting stranger and stranger.

My two favorite parts were 1) when he was asked a question and stared into space until his wife started speaking for him in the 3rd person and 2) when he started talking about knowing Hillary Clinton’s doctor and knowing for a fact that her health isn’t good (um, HIPAA violation there, doctor...) and suddenly

Well, this particular patient spends a lot of time with his head up his ass, so....

He’s a gastroenterologist who said that his patient is in extraordinarily good health “especially mental health.”

This guy is almost as much of a fraud as Donald Trump.