
I’m sure anyone who cares knows about the MTC and their ‘considerable talents’. I’d have a lot more respect for Mormons in general and the Choir in particular if they showed up and gave Trump the collective finger.

While I’d have more respect for them if their chosen profession didn’t involve silly dancing and high kicks wearing little more than bathing suits, if El Yam wants to see them perform, he can damn well go to Radio City Music Hall like everyone else.

They’re dancers, not emergency medics! Let Trump do his own goddam high kicks. I’m sure we’d love to see photos of that. Maybe Melania would like to do a pole dance for an encore.

You’d have to actually be in a regular marriage to be ‘cheated’ on. Hillary and Bill had an agreement - first he got to be President, then her. They’ve slept in separate beds for decades. You really think she’s interested in him physically?? The problem arose when he messed around with Lewinsky and everyone else,

Once upon a time, Rosie skewered Donald with a particularly good insult. He has never forgotten it. He especially hates women who are as fat as he is.

His stimulant addiction was in full display. There’s a reason he keeps ‘seeing’ Dr. Bornstein instead of a real internist or cardiologist - they’d do a chem panel and a drug screen and find out he’s a drug addict; has been for decades now. He’s also a walking heart attack waiting to happen; bloated obese 70 year old

He missed the perfect comeback there - he should have said ‘why do you keep needing all these hearings???’ Instead he just dropped the ball. Idiot.

Unfortunately, so does Hillary’s. She learned just enough about computers even after a series of FBI briefings on security that she could order staffers to hide her communications from FOIA requests, but not hackers or people with no clearances whatsoever. When Comey said she ‘wasn’t sophisticated’ about computers,

See the AMA he did for Reddit. There’s a picture of him there ‘using’ a computer. He appears to know how to stare at it without touching it. I think he ‘answered’ four questions and called it a day. He does his own twittering on the off hours, otherwise he yells out to a staffer who mimics his ‘voice’ when he

He was talking slowly for the translators.