Sigmund Floyd

Counterpoint: Texting is the reason I can sustain a relationship with my ex.

If this starts a trend among colleges, I’m all for it.

We’re going to be the first ones against the wall.

No coincidence, they’re probably under orders to say the word ‘Trump’ as many times as they can each day. It’s not like context matters anymore.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If the Trump administration had any interest in dealing with pollution, Scott Pruitt would not have been appointed as the head of the E.P.A. And why should the rest of the world renegotiate the agreement to satisfy an administration that doesn’t acknowledge the existence of global climate change? This is a serious

Let’s not blame all of humanity. Trump is an uniquely American phenomenon.

Speaking of kids, does Pence allow himself to be alone in a room with his daughters?

The rules on impeachment were written with the understanding that Congress would be made up of reasonable, patriotic people who would respect the rule of law. They didn’t envision that most Americans would vote for the men and women of the current Republican Party.

You’ll elect someone halfway reasonable, undermine and demonize them nonstop and then find someone worse than the last one.

To be fair, most of them don’t think about the rest of the planet. The people they want to destroy are their fellow countrymen.

You’re right. Dealing with global climate change would be difficult, so the proper response should be to give up entirely.

You can’t go wrong with ‘Assholes’

She only turned on Bernardo after she got caught. Don’t ascribe any noble motives to her for that.

Her lawyer concealed the video tape evidence in order to get her a lighter sentence.

“I was a hardcore net.activist.”

She only received 12 years because her lawyer withheld evidence.

“I was a Usenet nerd when the whole thing happened, and worked hard to spread the material the Canadian government tried to censor.”

About that, the one thing we demand from our Prime Ministers is that they don’t agitate the Americans. You guys are volatile at the best of times.
