
Thank you for taking one for the team. The only pumpkin item that has breached my houses front door is a pumpkin spice candle. The Mrs. copped it and the couch is uncomfortable so....

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

“White Democrats will be lynching black folk again,” says the other.

Mr Acosta’s response sounds like a Southern Woman’s Bless your heart response. 

Congratulations P3!!!!

said she had the door cracked open to take her dog for a walk...”

Me after hearing Master Jeremiah’s words:

Golfcart Gail could have easily identified herself before the cops came.

Soo this “unknown third party” reaches out to the facility in order to get approval to conduct their voter outreach and engagement program but now problems arise when it’s time for these seniors to actually exercise their right to vote?? 

We won’t have to worry about this. The only folks stepping up to claim they are a minority are:

Elizabeth Warren should have known better. Dolt 45 moves with the speed of a paraplegic snail when it comes time to open his personal checkbook. This is the same man who signed Doug Flutie to play football for him and then sent each USFL owner a bill for Doug’s contract saying he only signed Doug to save the league

What was the point???? It’s not like Dolt 45 is going to apologize. Double down on the Pocahontas talk to fire up the base- yes. Apologize - no

And the IRS is looking at this deal like....

The boy was charged. He wasn’t supposed to be videotaping the interaction in which he was knocked out.

I’m surprised the former Woody High students were able to get this much money out of the school district. Talk about a district that takes the line “Trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents” To a new level.....

The thing that stuck with me the most from this episode was when Issa came back to life and his mom said it was best that he remained dead because it was easier. That has to be a VERY hard rationalization to come to. 

Is the Azealia Banks the female equivalent of Kat Williams???

Women really don’t give you any problems with this one. You see them form up their mouths to say something but get silent when they see the baby and the diaper bag in tow. 

It’s about time someone is shedding some light on this issue. Yes some places are coming along but there’s a LOT of work yet to be done. Personally, I would like to see family bathrooms with changing stations. There’s nothing worse that trying to find a bathroom with a baby or my potty training daughter.

Who has the prop bet on how long it will take Dolt 45 to go from “My Friend Nikki” to she was trash?