
“I often forget that he has so many kids.”

This is the photo from the Tri Lambda spring photo of which Dolt 45 is a member

That photo is so white, I looked at it and it said “If you click on me I’ll sue!”

That photo is so white, I clicked on it and it escorted me to the White House kitchen and handed me some coveralls.

The Russian Bots have arrived!!!

Heck, we don’t even dig into the collective of Western civilization history; folks (schools) hit the high notes and skim through (or white wash) everything else.

She obviously doesn’t know squat about the Ming Dynasty, the trade channels to the “Orient”, or the structures in Asia that to further back than any society Europeans have built.

LOL!!! Why dude look like Boris from that Tyler Perry movie??

Don’t confuse a historical reference with blaming. I’ll use a segment from a Chris Rock skit as my rebuttal. White folks will let Black folks be rich...they refuse to let us be wealthy. In that same vein, Rock was keen to point out that many of the tools the White titans used to amass wealth are now illegal.

There’s still a cost; in your example it’s a nominal cost but don’t pretend it doesn’t exist.

I love to press these MAGA and Take Our Country Back folks about what conditions make America great and how far back do they want to take the country. Without fail, they all point to periods in which they held all the cards.

That’s what’s up! A lot of pastors would like to get to the state your church is at.

“Seriously?? You don’t think I know how the church I’ve been going to for 40+yrs works/operates? You can pay tithe and offerings/make donations on line.”

I understand what is happening. I’m hopeful that you understand there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody’s butt has to actually be at the church to contribute to the combined budget so you can get your praise on in your jammies. If everybody chooses to stay at home, no contributions = no streaming. Maybe your

There’s still some sliding scale cost associated with this. Yes not every church is trying to be on The Word Network but those cameras, the editing software, computers, etc. still have a cost associated with them.

“You can watch the service from home in your pajamas from the comforts of your bed.”

I’ve always loved the overflow room. As a kid, it provided a place for epic church tomfoolery to happen and provided enough distance from my mom. As an adult with kids, it allowed a space for my youngins to cry, be fed, changed, etc. without a side eye from folks who felt my child was a distraction.

When Bibby rested his arm on Al’s head.......I hollered.

“Green also noted that only about eight media organizations covered the press conference—most of them local news outlets.”

You are so wrong on this Joshua. What you missed are some of the dynamics that happen at the Black barbershop. Without fail, every Black man knows a Bibby at his respective barbershop or Bibby is the one that cuts his hair.