
Most folks are going to move the needle to cherry pick the items that suit them best and this will vary from person to person.

So her and her secret BAE Putin can laugh and spend Dolt 45's cash back in Mother Russia! lol

Trying to stunt like his daddy like:

Kids the lesson here is to always keep copious notes; you never know when they will save your job and / or reputation.

I’ve always looked at New York Fire, New York city and New York state, with a side eye. You are spot on about the Irish thing; it’s just another industry that the Irish lobbied hard to keep Black folks out of.

I’m using help and solve interchangeably here. I don’t think they were trying to help but their solution is flawed AF.

I’m still trying to figure out how the actions taken by FDNY help the situation. Hassan will always be “that dude” and possibly subject to a new round of harassment.  

Cause his daddy and ‘em have deep pockets and can afford to buy better hooch. They will put him on the next line in the fall.

John McEntee - dropped for getting caught sneaking a taste of the good liquor from Dean Dolt 45's private hooch stash.

Me after reading this:

I knew it was going to be a mess. I just needed for each of his cronies to mess up too so it all comes together.

This is some bull....

I thought it was Texas. She didn’t get into UT and ended up going to LSU.

Of course not. I like to simply remind the sheep around these parts of these things to knock them down a peg; especially after Dolt 45 was here a few days ago.

Crying Jimmy Swaggart tears in prison shower after a date with the Health Inspector is the ultimate type of white tears.

When Dolt 45 promised us competent leadership.

This is the next town over from me. Since the clip went viral. The manager was fired, the DA has stepped in and has begun looking into things, and the police dept has gone into self preservation mode.

I just spent a portion of this weekend driving through where Harriet Tubman was born. I have a newfound respect for this woman and the trip she took to earn her freedom and the freedom of others.

The fact that they are now trying to remove the term Northern scum from their state song makes it hard to convince folks otherwise.

But isn’t being the jump-opp being single? You’re not invested emotionally and you’re not following the “normal” rules of relationship engagement.