
Some folks with autism have a hard time communicating what they are feeling and / or processing those emotions. We’ve had great supports for my son where he’s gotten MUCH better at expressing himself vs shutting down.

Deadline has projected that Marvel’s newest superhero flick will clear $25 million on opening night.

I hope so too. I also hope that folks understand it’s going to be a LONG and protracted battle.

I’m trying to determine if your responses lack of punctuation means you’re (not your) lazy or dumb but I digress.

I saw it on one of those new shows, not FOX, and it’s alluded to here:

I saw a report that he had autism along with the items you mentioned. I would NEVER attack folks with autism as I have a son with autism.

“Everybody should all just act like this cool, say “thanks for the cheap manufacturing, guys!”, and keep their feelings to themselves.’

The outrage is like a nat around an elephant. Internal outrage may lead some poor individual to get hemmed up an an enemy of the state. Blacks in China complaining will be sent home. African nation outrage only means something when said countries can deal with China from a position of power which they have not had the

Those players are kept in a bubble. They go from the all inclusive hotel, to practice, to the games, and repeat. You also don’t hear about them making too many waves while there.

Who’s gonna check them? Who’s gonna shame them into compliance with the Western world???? I ‘ll tell you who.. nobody.

The Chineese could give two tears about how we feel. Besides, who do you think they got the Blackface and thoughts about Black folk from??

Noap, noap, noap.

And he was captured alive!.....they didn’t know his last name was Cruz. His melanin, or lack thereof saved him.

This is some BS. If you, cities and municipalities, are taking all of the military surpluses and incorporating them into your police squads and getting multiple dollars for various projects; turning locals into police states, the least I should be able to expect is running an inquiry when folks have told you dude is

What irritates me is the whole pull yourself up line you hear from white folks. When we didn’t get our 40 acres we still made things happen. Then you destroy what we built and yet again don’t make us whole or create such red tape that many died before getting compensated (see Black Farmer / USDA settlement).

I used to live down that way years back. When I worked as an investment advisor, my objective was to tap into that Black wealth that existed in Durham and make those folks clients. When they found out or office was in North Raleigh, they balked.

Ash Wednesday and the start of Holy Season

You gotta know the backstory. When Durham is marketed, it’s never as a standalone. Many folks don’t know that much of the RTP is in Durham, most of the wealth is in Durham. The only mention Durham gets is Duke when you have North Carolina Central and all of the businesses mentioned above.

The history you just shared about Durham is why folks from the Bull City get mad AF that Raleigh gets all the shine.

You have proved my reverse. America isn’t going to sign up to see a movie with Mindy Kaling and / or Priyanka Chopra dating a Black man or an Indian Man.