
Items that didn’t make Stephen Crockett’s list:

“As Tasha herself said, LAWRENCE was the one who acted like they were exiting the smash zone by telling her about his hookup with Issa”

Facts still hurt.

tips hat to your subtle nod to the Teen Titans

I don’t disagree with you. My comments were in response to a false narrative that all the fiscal burdens fell on Issa which is not true. There are millionaires that hold houses down but are emotionally unavailable so I agree with you.

You’re tapping into the vein that most people aren’t looking at. Law had a severance and then got unemployment. You are also spot on that unemployment for two years is not realistic and folks would throw the b.s. flag at the storyline.

No. Many folks are lumping all of the Tasha events together and calling him trash. I like to segregate them out:

Aparna punked him on that one.

Let’s review the facts:

How Sway???? How does that work?? Folks seem to be forgetting Lawrence had money he was sitting on. Tasha would not have been a story line if he wasn’t depositing pre Best Buy checks. It also seems like you forgot they bought the couch together.

“Woot Woot was still trash though.”

Wouldn’t Issa be just as wrong for the Whoot Whoot dig? She went low and Law couldn’t channel his inner Michelle Obama

You must not live in a cold climate. That sweater is the truth!

I disagree with points 1 and 3

Them cats looking at their pockets like:

It may not be a popular opinion but welcome to the terror dome > fight the power

Now playing

I’m going to leave this right here and look at P3 sideways for not having this on the list. You just put this on repeat, turn it up, and walk away.

cognitive dissonance at its finest

I’ve done both; I was the compliance guy at a small credit union during 9-11. I’ve called banks to verify funds before the internet and built out this capacity.

loving the Lana Kane avi