
By the way, I wouldn’t call your exchange “fruitless.” It seems pretty clear that the Giants are more than willing to entertain the notion that the Washington team name is inappropriate.

We all know what you mean by “misc. idk.”

It appears to have done some work, which I know some may be unfamiliar with.

I don't think Ice House and Red Dog count as microbrews.

The 80s dominated with Action Movies. Never to be surpassed in any decade.

What other jobs can a man named Dabo get besides NASCAR driver, and running on the republican ticket in MS

Even “honkies” has almost no effect. You really want to make white Americans experience what it feels like to be the victim of a stereotype based purely on the color of their skin, make a shirt with a white cartoon face that says “Racists”.

Yeah but there’s no solution. I mean are you going to force girls to both enjoy and play basketball?

This is a straw man argument. One writer said it’s bad for the game and now people act like everyone has stopped watching it because of UCONN. Nobody was watching it to begin with. I like most women’s sports, but women’s basketball is just a really poor version of basketball.

I’m going to go way out on a limb and guess that the Goose has strong opinions on Black Lives Matter.

My grandpa does the same thing, but he calls them "coloreds."

If someone could leak the NFL Draft next, that’d be swell.

How about thinking less about yourself (“I don’t want to be seen as”) and just

So I’m super white, and my small family super white. I married into a very large, diverse family. My personal rules have been something like this:

...and here come the comments which both completely prove the point of the article and justify its existence!

Dude makes Laettner seem like a fun and cool guy.

This Ted Cruz lookin’ motherfucker is the worst.

As the memo states, “crossing out something means silencing speech, or that one person’s speech is more important than another’s.”

Do you think MLK was a racist because he was pushing for rights for minorities? After all, he didn’t talk about getting more rights for white folks. #allrightsmatter, amirite?