Sigh Twombly

I doubt they'd have the movie 'The In Laws' in Westeros to teach them the concept of 'serpentine'.

Wake up!

Two things. This is an excellent recap since it not only discusses story and plot, but it also has intelligent things to say about the way the show is made, mis en scene etc. Bravo!

The last civil war widow died in 2008.

How is that possible?


I was wondering, when did Johnny Depp go from being an exciting and daring actor to a complete fucking douchebag? I'm thinking maybe Charlie and the Choco Factory?

This space reserved for you to voice your disappointment:

This Odd Conflation of Fucks is my favorite George Saunders book!

I'm assuming none of them have read Conquest of New Spain.

The catalogue is vast - his German language films from the 70s and 80s onwards are essential art house viewing - try out Aguirre Wrath of God [73] [in German with subs if possible, the English dub is absurdly bad] or Fitzcarraldo [81], in English and bonkers brilliant. His documentaries are also simply incredible,

I predict you'll marry your tour manager there and then she'll return with you to Canada.

The New Originals rock!

Werner Herzog

I bet Obama is regretting making those Donald jokes at the Correspondents dinner.

Don't hate the player.

What the post doesn't explain is that the Soviet space shuttle program was so expensive it's considered a major factor in the economic collapse of the Soviet Union.

I saw one of the prototype vehicles in the rear carpark of Sydney's Star City Casino. It had been purchased by the then owner of Strathfield Car Radio with plans to make the prototype Buran a tourist attraction. I went to check it out when someone told me they'd seen it and it was an incredibly sad sight. Some dude

This is an idea I can get behind!

Sadly not.