Reporting on a story that appeared in the Guardian that was reporting in papers published in Nature. Good job AV Club. Now what's old Trump been up to?
Reporting on a story that appeared in the Guardian that was reporting in papers published in Nature. Good job AV Club. Now what's old Trump been up to?
Finally caught up with the last two eps, and I agree, little that happens makes rational sense. I didn't believe the Nora story nor did it jibe with everything that we knew about her and Kevin's relationship. The thread about the flood went nowhere nor really the missile launch. As narrative metaphors they were both…
Wait, wait, let me guess! As soon as his character JIZZED? As soon as his character CHOKED? As soon as his character SPELUNKED?
I haven't seen the show but I was wondering, does he speak with a high pitched, effeminate southern accent?
Yeah, those Greeks and their "comedy" filling up theirs plays with pathos, bathos, irony, satire n shit.
I just kept thinking "THIS is on television?!!"
Titanic Maru.
I still have a soft spot for HWs "Thousand points of light" speech …and his appearance on The Simpsons.
What is Kinja and why should I be worried?
More or less intensity?
A horse walks into a restaurant…
Won't somebody tell me what season it is?!!
Certainly from the point of view of short, stocky, balding, funny guys.
I saw it in 1986 and I'm still angry at how fucking bad that movie is.
I'd love to see a movie where George Clooney explains who owns what in the company with tons of visual aids. If there's one thing I love in a movie is George Clooney explaining shit.
I hope Ron Howard narrates the movie.
But tonally they were very different. ANH is a fun adventure, ESB gets all adult and serious (and RoRJ throws all that away). The model for the new films seems to be taking ESB's tone and episodic story structure. Any deviation would be crazy given the near universal opinion that ESB is the best SW film.
Also, wtf with that dialogue from Mrs. Dougie to the cops?!! That's some of the most asinine and unbelievable shit I've heard outside of amateur movies. I liked it a lot.
Wise move. The key with America is to make it your friend because they say they'll kill us last.
NOT how I imagined Dolores.