Sigh Twombly

What makes you think S8
Will pay off with the war? As we saw in this "finale" there's still ample time to waste with chit chat.

Just back from seeing it and this review is spot on. Good job IV.

So what you're saying to me there is that this Philip Marlowe is an Irish fella?

A great painter!

5,000 mid-tier action heroes? I'm assuming by that you mean future installments will be drawing from the action star talent pool of India, Thailand, Indonesia and Mexico.

Steve Irwin

Longer than it takes to watch an episode.

Wouldn't it be awesome if Frank Underwood's to camera monologues were revealed as him talking to thin air when observed by another character. There were hints if this when someone asked "who were you talking to? I thought I heard voices"

Irwin Allen.

Totally helps with sunburn.

Maybe, but is Cable a role that would require Pitt to be seen eating something different in every scene?

Put some water on that BURN!

I think you've buried the lede.

I'm in!

That's all I remember about my first marriage.

Obviously spaceships in the SW universe don't gave transponders like aircraft do to identify them.

Listen, if you have an 11 year old who thinks she's 17, you do what she says. It was her idea.

My daughter and I watched the episode. It's a big deal for her as she's 11 and I've been slowly introducing her to select horror movies. She's only half seen parts of select episodes of WD. Anyway, after the excitement of being allowed to watch, about 20 minutes in, she said "I thought this was a show about zombies?!!"

I don't count those! Bah!

All his best roles are exactly that. He delights in messing with your expectations of who he is. See Magnolia for a perfect example.