I like reviews that state what the customer ordered at the top. It’s a strong counterbalance to whatever opinion comes next.
I like reviews that state what the customer ordered at the top. It’s a strong counterbalance to whatever opinion comes next.
I am old at 40 but I was old at 17 so no surprise really. Most everything I read that’s written by people younger than me, frustrates and confuses me. That said, it’s a lot easier to take responsibility for your own mood and expectations than to entrust these things to a total stranger.
I’ve never met a Laveyan Satanist who I didn’t want to give a wedgie to and steal their lunch money.
The moment the teacher skips an uncomfortable passage for instance the ones involving genocide, incest or the correct price of slaves or begins discussing the divinity of Jesus, or refuses to address any question which treats God as simply a character in a book with motivations for good or ill like any fictional…
Since racist and homophobic is maybe too broad a brush and it’s no longer cool to call them “mentally ill” or “retarded”, I guess all that’s left is “drug-addled”. I blame the heroin and the meth.
The electorate have spoken and 15,000 of them chose a dead gorilla to wield first strike capability.
Shoulda air dropped LCD laced 7-11 snacks and blasted gay porn and Ornette Coleman at them when we had the chance.
Politically, it signals that despite his break with The Republican Nominee, he still intends to stonewall Clinton, assuring his Republican cred.
And that's the shape it chose?
Well, that’s one down... I guess.
When a debate moderator holds a candidate responsible for the things they say, clearly it means the system is broken.
It’s a troll for national recognition: http://www.ocweekly.com/news/orange-co…