
Cell saga conclusion was Toriyamas preferred stopping point, not Frieza.

It’s honestly not that bad in motion, only when you pause or slow it down does it look bad.

That's how the X-Men and other mutants get created.

Roughly translated:

Okay, but was the marijuana in her vagina or not?

Torin’s Passage, what a great adventure game. Too bad I can't get it to run in Win 7 without it crashing all the time.

Agreed, it'd turn into a standard action movie.

More importantly, she made the NFL brass proud by not mentioning his brain.

Hey! Stop ruining Batman!

Well they knew where the exit hatch was, either they placed one there ahead of time just in case something went wrong, or, more likely, there was one there to begin with because workers use that hatch. It’s like asking “why was there a fire extinguisher”...certain safety equipment is near things that might require it.

You forgot cooking and cleaning somewhere in this theory.

Let’s make this game even better!

No deal!

The plane was likely arranged by the girl since she was working on the plan previous. So she had her British contacts.

I think that role is already being filled by Tony Stark.

Sure, you could argue that in the MI universe, where people can wear hyper-realistic face masks

Moe:Here you go, here I am!Uncle Moe, thank you, ma’am!This’ll be a treat!Uncle Moe, here i am!While you eat!

Every company does this, patent every possible idea without ever creating it, that way no one else can do it. Hooray patents!

Some scenes I like better, some I don’t. The problem is we lost the choice, the originals should have always been an option going forward.