
More importantly, she made the NFL brass proud by not mentioning his brain.

You forgot cooking and cleaning somewhere in this theory.

Moe:Here you go, here I am!Uncle Moe, thank you, ma’am!This’ll be a treat!Uncle Moe, here i am!While you eat!

Every company does this, patent every possible idea without ever creating it, that way no one else can do it. Hooray patents!

Why does Goku have Super Saiyan hair here without being one? Massive mistake, tear it down.

He abandons Chi-Chi all the time and brings in no money. It's a wonder she stays with him.

Eh, I see where he’s coming from.

The happiest female isn’t working AND has a husband with only a K-12 education? Interesting. I didn’t know women loved being poor so much.

A third party app would not be able to edit posts. My guess is they delay your posts for X number of seconds, giving you time to cancel it.

The honest truth is...shed sell better if they wrote her like She-Hulk. Kicking ass and sleeping around, that’s what the people really want. Instead her comics are like when Batman cries about his parents...cringe-worthy. Wonder Woman is always crying about something, and it’s usually petty.

And yet, were on to 8 Fast 8 Furious glorifying street racing.

Drew Carey?

Powers stolen from:

His Bruce Wayne persona hooks up with girls all the time. He doesn't have a gf because of the whole batman thing.

They did, but Alfred is an enabler.

Confused on the new did the Reds clinch an automatic playoff spot last night?

He used to be cuter, but in my third year of school he got ugly. Still, you can’t abandon your pet!

The new Dragonball Super that just started is keeping him current.

This is almost worse than Han now shooting second.