
I'm sure they'd be more than happy to rerelease it with Disney and make more money.

Xavier got lucky they didn't play Dayton. They slaughtered Providence, a better team than Xavier. Be glad that other than UCLA, you got the easiest draw to the Sweet 16.

Nope, 1000. 1000 is the cap. It was called "I'm Rich".

Good trolling, B+

The trailer for this game deserves its own post. Oh god the music.

Tomorrow, when Dayton beats Oklahoma.

Neh, I'm pretty sick of Lucas abortions and special editions.

Photoshop is cheating.

It's not that DS is hard, it's that games in general are so easy these days that it appeared hard. You have to go back to the NES to find games that are genuinely hard.

Or woman.

Add some more.

Picollo was relevant for like 10 minutes each time he fused with someone.

Could happen if Krillin fused with Tien.

That was horrible compared to their previous work.

Mars One is a scam. Money for applications, constant donations's a complete scam.

Only one way to find out!

Another way would be to wait till the ATM spits out money, then tackling the person and taking the money. They still haven't solved that one yet.

That's why I wait a month to pirate a game. Most of the patches will have rolled out and I'll know if the game is worth playing.

Until you added new party members, which matched your level.

"one of these morally bankrupt fairy tale remakes will feature a non lily-white lead"